The Physalisknown as Chinese Lantern, are plants native to South America belonging to the botanical family Solanaceae. They have a rapid growth rate, and their fruits are edible, since in addition to having a very pleasant taste, they are rich in vitamins A and C which are essential for good health.

Do you dare to cultivate them?

Physalis are shrubs that can be used to decorate patios and terraces. With just one meter in height and having a non-invasive root system, they are perfect to have in pots. But what do they need to grow well?

  • Location: it is important that you place your plants in an area where sunlight is filtered. In direct sun its leaves can burn, and it would have trouble fruiting.
  • Irrigation: watering must be frequent, preventing the soil from drying out completely. To know when to water, you can insert a thin wooden stick: if when you take it out it comes out with little soil attached, you can water; otherwise, it will be better to wait a little longer.
  • Subscriber: being plants with edible fruits, they must be paid with organic fertilizers, such as guano, manure o earthworm humus. Use those that are sold in liquid format if you have your Physalis in a pot following the instructions specified on the package, and in powder form if you do not, putting a 2-3cm thick layer around each specimen.
  • Planting / Transplant time: whether you want to transfer them to the garden or to a larger pot, you have to do it in spring, when the risk of frost has passed and the temperatures begin to stay above 10ºC.
  • Rusticity: they withstand mild and occasional frosts well down to -2ºC. If you live in an area with colder winters, you will have to protect them by placing them indoors, in a room where a lot of light enters.

What do you think of these plants?