Ginkgo biloba

It is a tree belonging to one of the oldest botanical families in the world: the Ginkgoaceae, which began its evolution more than 200 million years ago, in the late Triassic. The only representative that remains is the Ginkgo, a genus of which only one species has remained: the Ginkgo bilobaknown as the Tree of the pagodas.

Although it is a tree, it is not like the ones we know. Being of a gymnospermIt does not produce flowers like maples or ash trees do. Do we know one of the most extraordinary plants in the world better?

Ginkgo biloba characteristics

Ginkgo biloba adult

This is a tree believed to be native to China, where it can grow up to 30 meters tall with a trunk thickness of 7m. The leaves are fan-shaped, green in spring and summer, and yellow in fall.

It is a dioecious species, that is, there are female flowers and male flowers in different specimens. In this way, It is important to say that the fruits produced by the females give off a very unpleasant smell when they ripenso this has to be taken into account if you want to put a specimen in the gardens.

What care do you need?


If you want to have a Ginkgo in the garden, follow our advice to make it grow healthy:

  • Location: outdoors, in full sun or in semi-shade.
  • Irrigation: frequent in summer, somewhat scarcer the rest of the year. Water 2-3 times a week in the hottest months, and 1-2 / week the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: highly recommended to fertilize in spring and summer with organic fertilizers, such as guano, following the instructions specified on the package.
  • Pruning: It’s not necesary.
  • Land: well drained and slightly acidic (pH 5-6).
  • Multiplication: by seeds, which have to be stratified for three months in the refrigerator, or by cuttings from the previous year in autumn.
  • Plagues and diseases: It’s very tough. Mealybugs can affect you if the environment is very dry and warm, but they are easily removed with a swab from the ears soaked in water or paraffin oil.
  • Rusticity: withstands temperatures between 35ºC maximum and -30ºC minimum.

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