How do you care for Passiflora incarnata?

Passionflower incarnate in flower

The Passion flower incarnate It is a very fast growing climbing plant whose flowers attract a lot of attention, not only because of their decorative appearance, but also because of their pleasant aroma. It can be had inside the home, or outside if the climate is mild.

In addition, it is commonly used as a medicinal plant, helping to calm the nerves in cases of anxiety or stress, or as a poultice to treat wounds and burns. Would you like to know how it is cared for?

Passion flower incarnate

The Passion flower incarnate It is a climber that grows up to 9 meters in height. However, it can be pruned in late spring to keep it lower with scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol. For this reason, it is an ideal plant to have indoors, well, because of that and because it adapts well to home conditions. In fact, the only thing we must bear in mind is that it has to be located in a room where a lot of natural light enters, since otherwise its development would not be adequate.

As for watering, it has to be frequent, especially during the warm months, but avoiding waterlogging. A) Yes, we will water two to three times a week in summer, and no more than two the rest of the year. It is important that, after watering, we remove the excess water from the dish, to prevent the roots from rotting.

Passion flower incarnate

So that it can continue to grow year after year, it is highly recommended to change the pot every 2 years, in spring, adding new universal growing substrate. What’s more, we must pay it with liquid fertilizers in spring and summerfollowing the indications specified on the product packaging. This will produce a large number of beautiful flowers.

The Passion flower incarnate it is one of those plants whose flowers embellish any corner. Go ahead and have one in your home, and show off your plant .

How do you care for Passiflora incarnata?

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