Japanese maple

Maple palmate

Maples are deciduous trees or shrubs that have the peculiarity of getting even prettier than they already are during the fall. Its palmate leaves turn reddish, orange or yellowish colors depending on the species, which makes them one of the most interesting plants to have in the gardens.

If you have not been able to avoid getting some copies, then I will explain how to care for maples.

What do maples need?

country maple

I love maples. Well, I really like all trees, but maple trees appeal to me a lot more. They are very decorative plants, with their palmate leaves. Even its trunks and branches are pretty, even in winter. But taking care of them is not a very simple task. So that unexpected problems do not arise, they should be in an area that has a temperate climate, with mild summers and cold autumn-winters. And that’s not to mention the soil, which must be neutral or slightly acidic.

If you do not have these conditions, you will have to keep them in a pot and prune them regularly in autumn so that they can continue with life. So, let’s see how to take care of it.

How are they cared for?



  • Location: they are trees that must be placed outside, in semi-shade (they must have more light than shade).
  • Soil or substrate: it must have good drainage, and a low pH (between 4 and 6).
  • Irrigation: frequent in summer, somewhat scarcer the rest of the year. It will generally be watered every 2-3 days during the warmer months, and every 5-6 days the rest of the year with lime-free water. If in doubt, check the humidity of the soil by inserting a thin wooden stick and check how much has adhered to it. If it comes out clean, we will proceed to water.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer it is recommended to fertilize with organic fertilizers, liquid if they are in pots or powder if they are planted in the garden.
  • Planting or transplanting time: in spring.
  • Pruning: in autumn.
  • Rusticity: withstand temperatures below zero without problem. Most species resist frosts down to -10ºC.

Enjoy your maples.