Garden with hedges

The hedges They are natural elements that allow us to have the different sections of the garden divided, in addition to providing us with privacy. They are created with shrubs, woody plants whose height does not usually exceed 6 meters, and that we can find for sale in any nursery or garden store.

Many of them have spectacular flowers, others thorns, and others have such dense foliage that it prevents the wind from passing through them. But, How to choose plants for hedges?

Types of hedges

Tall hedges

To choose the plants that we want to have to create a hedge it is important first that we know what types of hedges there are:

  • Tall hedges: they serve to give privacy. They are over 2 meters tall.
  • Medium hedges: they are the most suitable for dividing the corners of the garden that are closest to the street. They measure between 1 and 2 meters in height.
  • Low hedges: perfect to have, for example, bordering the house. They measure between 0,5 and 1 meter in height.
  • Borders: if you want to have a classic style garden, the borders cannot be missing. They are less than 0,5 meters high, and you can have them in different corners of the garden.

How to choose plants for hedges?

Red hibiscus

Choosing the bushes with which to create real wonders is actually much easier than it seems, because we only have to go to a nursery and choose the bushes that are being cultivated in the outdoor facilities of the same. But to make your task even easier, here is a small selection:

Plants for tall hedges

  • birch hornbeam
  • Arizona cypress
  • Cupressus macrocarpa
  • Cupressus sempervirens
  • A noble laurel
  • nerium oleander
  • Taxus baccata

Plants for medium hedges

Plants for low hedges

  • Abelia x grandiflora
  • Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea’
  • Cistus x purple
  • Cotoneaster franchetii
  • Eleagnus pungens ‘Maculata Aurea’
  • dull beautiful
  • Hypericum chalice

Border plants

  • cineraria maritime
  • during repens
  • Lavandula angustifolia
  • Lonicea pileata
  • Punica granatum var. lullaby
  • Rosemary officinalis
  • Brushing your skin

And perennial, annual or vivacious flowers, as well as bulbous.

Enjoy your hedges .