The Viburnum lucidum, complete record

Viburnum bright flower

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Viburnum lucidum is an ideal plant for create hedges of those that attract a lot of attention throughout the year: in spring its beautiful flowers will sprout from the plant making it look spectacular, in summer its fruits will ripen and in autumn its leaves will be dressed in their red dress. And in winter? In the colder months, the plant will continue to be covered with leaves, so, as you can see, it will hardly soil anything .

So if you are looking for a plant with which you can have a protected but beautiful garden, Viburnum lucidum is your best option.

Key features


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The Viburnum lucidum, whose scientific name is The most fragrant vine ‘Lucid’ it is an evergreen shrub native to Southeast Asia. It has a medium-fast growth rate, reaching 2 meters in height. Its leaves are simple, with a serrated edge, pointed ends, and with very marked nerves. The flowers appear distributed in inflorescences, and they are very small, barely 5cm in diameter; then the fruits appear, which are bluish-grayish berries. And its trunk has smooth, grayish-brown bark.

Although it may seem otherwise, it resists mild frosts without problems, as long as the temperatures are above -7ºC. What’s more, grows on all types of soilsincluding calcareous ones, so it can be had in an interesting variety of climates. But how do you take care of it?


To have the glossy-leaved Durillo healthy and growing at ease for many years, it is essential to take into account a number of things, which are:


Place your Viburnum lucidum in a very bright area, but without direct sun. It could be adapted in a sunny area where it was exposed to the sun’s rays throughout the day, but its growth would not be optimal.


If we talk about irrigation, this will have to be frequent. It does not withstand drought very well, so it is important that it be watered 2-3 times a week in summer, and every five or six days the rest of the year.


The subscriber is very important for a correct development. Must be fertilize throughout the growing seasonthat is, from spring to late summer (you can also in autumn if you live in a mild climate), with a universal fertilizer for plants, or organic, such as guano, ground horn, worm castings, or horse manure.


This is a plant that more than prunes, needs clamping to achieve a compact shape and a rounded or square cup according to the case. This task has to be done throughout the growing period, plus less every 20 days.


The ideal time for both transplanting to a larger pot and planting it in the garden is in springafter the risk of frost has passed.

Pests and diseases of Viburnum lucidum

Bright viburnum plants

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This plant is not usually affected much by pests nor does it usually have major diseases. However, if the environment is very dry and warm it may have mealybugs, aphids y Red spiderwhich must be eliminated with specific insecticides, such as Chlorpyrifos for the first two and with an acaricide for the spider.

Regarding diseases, fungi of the genus Phytophthora They can affect you if the ground is too humid, so try to avoid watering excessively. These microorganisms are very difficult to eliminate, and when they are detected normally they have already caused damage to the plant, so it is best to prevent. In the event that you have overwatered, it is highly advisable to treat it with a fungicide, just in case.

How does it reproduce?

To have more copies of this magnificent plant you can do 3 things: take cuttings, layer or sow its seeds. Let’s see how to proceed in each case:

Reproduction by cuttings

Viburnum lucidum reproduces very easily by softwood cuttings in spring. To do this, you have to:

  1. Cut the branches that interest you with pruning shears previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol. It is advisable that they measure at least 30cm in length.
  2. Fill a pot with a very porous substrate, such as equal parts black peat and perlite, and water it.
  3. Moisten the base of the cuttings, and then impregnating it with rooting hormones powdered.
  4. Planting the cuttings in the pot.
  5. And finally, place it in an area protected from the sun direct.

Over the course of a month, keeping the soil always slightly damp, the cuttings will begin to root.

Reproduction by air layering

Get your durillo by simple layering. It’s very easy , you just have to bury the stem of a branch (without cutting it from the mother plant) in the ground, and place a tutor on it so that the leaves can continue to do their job. After a year or so, you can cut it down and plant it in a different location.

Reproduction by seeds

To get this plant by seeds, you must proceed to stratify them in the fridge for 4 months, sowing them in a tupperware with vermiculite moistened with water. It is important that you open it once a week so that the air is renewed, as this will prevent the appearance of fungi.

Use bright viburnum

Bright viburnum

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In gardening this incredible shrub is used mainly as protection hedges as well as windbreaks, but it is also used sometimes like treeremoving the lower branches to expose the trunk.

Is it toxic?

Durillo contains tannins and viburbin, which they are toxic. It is not advisable to take neither its leaves nor its fruits since the risk to run is very great: in small doses you can have stomach pain, diarrhea or even urinary bleeding; and if the dose is large, we could have breathing problems and / or cardiorespiratory arrest.

And so far the record of the Viburnum lucidum. What did you think of this bush? Did you know him?

The Viburnum lucidum, complete record

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