Caring for the Dudleya | Gardening On

Dudleya brittonii

Dudleya brittonii

Native to North America, Dudley They are succulent plants that can compete with the Echeveria because, like them, they look like flowers that the earth gives us. They are extraordinary, ideal to have in pots or even in rockery gardens.

Very decorative, its cultivation is suitable for beginners. So if you are looking for an elegant plant that is easy to care for, get a Dudleya.

dudleya hassei

dudleya hassei

This is a botanical genus that belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It comprises about 40 species, all of them distributed in southwestern North America. They are plants with fleshy leaves, greenish or gray in color. The flowers are arranged in such a way that they appear in inflorescences, which can measure up to 1 m Tall.

Dudleya inhabit areas where rainfall is so low that few plants can survive. By storing the water in its leaves, withstand long periods of drought without problems. Thus, if you live in a dry place, you will not need to spend a lot of water to keep it healthy .

Powdery dudleya

Powdery dudleya

In cultivation we are facing some plants very easy to care. So much so that we can have it both inside the home and outside. The only thing we have to bear in mind is that we must place it in a very bright area (preferably where the sun reaches it directly), and keep it protected from intense frosts of less than -2ºC.

To get it to grow properly, we will use a very porous substratefor example the following: 60% black peat + 30% perlite + 10% vermiculite. This will ensure that its roots are aerated, and that excess water drains quickly. Likewise, it is important that, if we have a plate underneath, remove the water 30 minutes after having watered our plant.

Important pests and diseases are not known, but from experience I recommend that you protect it from snailsThese mollusks love fleshy leaves, and do not hesitate to eat them.

Did you know the Dudleya? What do you think?

Caring for the Dudleya | Gardening On

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