
Our perennials have the advantage that they remain standing all year round and that is why they can be enjoyed throughout the seasons. Before their leaves fall, these plants can live for more than two years without showing any deterioration.

If it’s about design the garden Or to add flowers in your green space, take advantage of the benefits of these plants that are generous and do not disappoint.

Astromeliads and more

Our astromeliads they are perfect in every way, especially because they offer color and timelessness. Belonging to the Alstroemeriaceae family, the lily-like flowers come in different colors. Another case is that of catnipwhose flowers appear in late spring and early summer.

The Aster it is plant with very resistant flowersthere are more than 600 varieties, although they all share a common feature: their flowers vary in colors but all have a yellow center.


Cone Flower and Forget-me-nots

Echinacea, better known as cone flowerIt also gives flowers of different colors, which shine in summer because they are very resistant to drought. There is also the Do not forget mea very popular perennial herbaceous plant, whose blue flowers are of extraordinary beauty.

There are many perennials that become a safe purchase when designing the garden and that is why very soon we will continue to recommend species that adapt without problems and have the advantage that they remain standing throughout the year, without major contradictions.

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