Citrus trees in pots

Trees need a lot of space to develop, however some species can grow without problems in more limited places.

Flowerpots are ideal homes for citrus treeswhich do not suffer from lack of space if they are kept in good condition.

Pots and varieties

If you want to have citrus trees in potsYou should choose large pots because only then will the specimen feel comfortable, with the advantage that you can move it around to protect it from adverse weather conditions.

Some fruit trees They are ideal for growing in pots, especially if we talk about certain varieties of citrus trees. You can plant potted Satsuma orange treesso good Meyer lemon treesa particular tree variety that is very fashionable. Another option is the Kumquat lemon tree growing in potswhich have a great lemon flavor and look more orange on the inside.

The calamondina cross between mandarin and kumquat, is another tree to plant in pots as it reaches a maximum height of 120 centimeters.

Citrus trees in pots


These fruit trees not only grow smoothly but also produce a large amount of fruit. This makes the control of its branches an essential task of the gardener in charge since the weight of the fruits can threaten the proper development of the tree and its citrus fruits.

It will be necessary to carry out a regular pruning in order to avoid that the branches weigh too much and the morphology of the tree is altered. This will also help to have too many fruits.

Our advantages of having these citrus trees in a pot is that you can change their place so that they always receive sunlight because they are specimens that need direct exposure to grow in good conditions.
