List of climbers to decorate the well


If you have a water well in your garden and you want to give it a different touch, make it a very decorative center of attention, there are many climbing plants that you can use. Also, as all tolerate pruning, you can control its growth very easily and quickly, thus also avoiding uncontrolled growth. Some are evergreen, others are deciduous, others nevertheless have flowers whose aroma is very pleasant.

Today we will talk about some of them ideal for climbing by the structure of the well.



The bougainvilleaAlthough it is a deciduous climbing shrub that can reach a considerable height, it is not unusual to see it climb walls no more than two meters high. Its rusticity and its resistance to pests and diseases have made it one of the most desired plants by those who want to cover walls or, in this case, are looking for a beautiful climber for the well.


Jasminum polyanthum

The jasmine It is the undisputed evergreen climber for small gardens and with mild winters, since it is a plant that grows up to three or four meters, and also by pruning its height can be further reduced, adapting it to our needs. Its aroma is known to all, and that is why it is so popular. Without a doubt, highly recommended for its resistance to drought as well as for its beautiful white flowers.

Climbing rose

Climbing rose

The climbing rose it’s fabulous. There are species with and without spines, and evergreen or deciduous, but most are deciduous and have spines. There are many varieties of flowers, each of them has a particular color and design. Water lovers, it is recommended to wear gloves when handling them. But except for this small detail, if you are looking for a resistant and beautiful plant, this may be your option.

Trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides

The Trachelospermum jasminoides it is the alternative for gardens with cold climate to jasmine that we have seen a little above. Evergreen with fragrant white flowers, it grows rather slow at first, but increases the rate over time.

All these creepers can be had in pots if you do not have land to plant them.

List of climbers to decorate the well

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