Tips for well-groomed potted trees

Maple palmate

Have you ever thought about having potted trees? If you don’t have a garden, but you do have a patio or terrace that you want to give it a “green touch”, having a potted tree is not something crazy. Although due to the dimensions that they reach once adults, it is very important to give them specific care so that they can live better.

This technique would be halfway between a Bonsai and a tree that was planted on the ground. They don’t need so many cared for like Bonsai, but it is essential to take into account a series of things that we will comment on below.

Flower pot

Benjamin fig tree

We’ll start with the basics: flower pot. The bigger it is, the more the roots can grow and therefore the tree will gain in height. That is why we will choose a large pot, but not too much, because it may be that if we acquire one much larger than the one our tree already has, it will grow too large and there will come a time when we cannot control its growth so easily.

The material with which it is made will depend on its location and how we want to decorate the patio or terrace. What we should avoid are plastic pots that are not reinforced; that is, the cheapest. Why? They are economical precisely for that reason, because they are not prepared to be exposed to the sun, and after a few months or years they can break. Important if we choose a porcelain one that has drainage holes.


Pachira aquatica

Interior or exterior? Shadow or light? It will depend on the species, but as a general rule they will put in full sun outdoors or in a room where a lot of natural light enters. If we have doubts, we will consult the professionals of the nursery.



From the good choice of substratum the health of our tree will depend to a great extent. That is why we will choose a suitable one for the species of our plant. For example: if we have a maple, a Gardenia or an azalea, the substrate must have a pH between 4 and 6; while if we have a carob tree or a wild olive tree, the pH should be higher than 6. It is a piece of information that must be indicated on the bags themselves.

Remember: the most expensive is not always the best quality. If it does not have some type of draining material (such as perlite) we better discard it. Ideally, it would have peat, organic matter, perlite, and if it is fertilized, our tree will appreciate it.

Pruning and compost


To keep a potted tree the pruning it is something essential. The pruning of both branches and roots will be carried out -as a general rule- after winter and before sprouting. We will reduce the length of the longest roots and branches that grow too tall.

As for the fertilizer, we will choose a slow release one, preferably one that has a duration of six months. This way the tree will absorb it little by little and its growth rate will not be altered.

What do you think of these tips? If you know more, feel free to comment on them.

Tips for well-groomed potted trees

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