catalpa bungei

There trees with small and large crowns, and within the first group is a species that is native to the East. His name is catalpa bungei and it is also known as the Wedding Catalpa or the Catalpa of Manchuria. The name “bungei” pays tribute to the Russian botanist Alexander von Bunge.

It is an ideal tree to plant in a garden with little space or even on a terrace because its canopy will never be too large to cover all the sun, but it will be large enough to give us an ideal shade space to enjoy in summer. This is due not only to limited size that reaches your cup but also to the shape of its leaves, which, thanks to the fact that they are large and heart-shaped, can reach about 25 cm. long- they achieve a dense and rounded crown.

Its style also makes it ideal to use as a decorative element and that is why it is common that it is located next to paths and paths. It is even more beautiful in summer, when it blooms and offers a rich perfume that emanates from its purplish-pink flowers that contrasts with its gray-chestnut bark.

The catalpa bungei is a tree from China that belongs to the family bignoniaceae and that can reach a height of 7 to 9 meters. You need to be fully exposed to the sun even if adapts to all types of floors. It is a copy of fallen Leaf and at the time of planting it, you can take into account that its average width is 4 meters, that is to say that you must have a space of those proportions so that it then appears. Another advantage of the Catalpa bungei is that it is a fast growing treeideal for those looking for an ornamental tree that beautifies the home in record time.

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