Trunk Care of Brazil or Dracena

Trunk of Brazil

There is a genus of indoor plants that come from Asia and Africa. These plants are the Dracenas or trunks of Brazil. They are a species of palm trees that can reach a maximum height of 130 centimeters and a minimum of 40 centimeters. It is very common to find these types of plants in any home, as they are very easy to care and they offer a touch of class.

The trunk of Brazil comprises more than 40 varietiess. Most of these plants are formed by a woody trunk and a series of leaves in the upper part, thus resembling palm trees. The rest of the plants of this genus develop a green trunk formed by the leaves.

The most characteristic of this plant is undoubtedly the sheet. The leaves are green, but there are varieties such as Marginata whose border is red, even becoming tricolor, with the yellow color between red and green being greater.

Others like Dracena Fragrans their foliage is green but with different shades of this color.

They are care It is very simple, you only have to water it once a week, if it is very hot, maybe twice a week. It requires a lot of light so that its leaves get a special shine, but you have to be careful with direct sun. In addition, it is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth from time to time to improve their color and so that we can enjoy their intensity.

They are multiplication it is through cuttings from the trunk or stems. As they are plants that grow to be quite tall, transplantation is necessary, which will be carried out once the roots of the plant are seen below the pot.

They can achieve a Life approximately six years old, so during this time we can delight ourselves with this plant and its various colors on the leaves.

More information – 4 indoor plants for beginners.

Trunk Care of Brazil or Dracena

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