As many of you know, trees have been with us since long before we were born, and many of them will still be alive the day we die.

The advantages and benefits of trees they are known to many and used by large numbers of people. We can find fruit trees, ornamental trees, in nature, etc. And in addition to providing shade, food and others are essential for the life of the planet.

For those who like me (before writing this note) know little about the advantages and benefits of these large and old plants, keep reading that we bring you some of the many that these living beings provide us.

  • Shadow: The shade provided by trees is vital to withstand the high temperatures that can occur in arid places.
  • Moisten the environment: Because the plants are eliminating water vapor from the leaves of their branches, they cool the air and moisten it.
  • Pollution levels decrease: trees have the ability to retain dust and polluting particles that float daily in the air. By carrying out this process, they prevent us from inhaling them and harming ourselves with them. On the other hand, when the leaves fall during the fall, dust and other particles are removed and decompose.
  • They reduce noise levels: trees serve as insulators of noise that can be in cities, so if we have a garden full of these large plants, we will largely isolate the noise that comes from outside.
  • They produce food: As we all know, trees produce many delicious fruits that not only we taste, but other animals also enjoy this advantage. In the same way, from these species we can obtain other resources such as gums, rubber, fibers, resins, medicinal oils, among others.