Aquatic plants, in addition to being used to decorate and beautify our ponds and gardens, have other functions, diverse and important in ponds: they reduce algae, since they constantly oxygenate the water, prevent the water from overheating, that is, they allow They maintain the temperature and serve as a shelter for small fish.

These types of aquatic plants do not live on land, as their name indicates they live in water and need a large amount of it in their roots to live, so we generally find these plants living and adorning ponds and water gardens.

Today we bring you another type of aquatic plants: floating plants.

This type of species of aquatic plants floats on the surface, and their roots are loose in the water, unlike the rest of the aquatic plants they do not need to be planted, you can throw them directly into the water and they will multiply quickly.

These floating plants, although they are not very popular, since many people are unaware of them and they are difficult to find in the markets, they have a number of benefits for those who have them in their gardens.

  • These plants do not require major care for their maintenance, they adapt easily to the conditions of the pond and grow and multiply quickly. However, although it is an advantage for many, for others it can be a disadvantage and a problem. Many times, by multiplying so quickly, they can completely cover the surface of the pond, condemning the other plants to live in unsuitable conditions. Due to their rapid proliferation, it is advisable to prune them frequently.
  • Due to their shape or morphology, they play an important role in the reproduction, breeding and development of some species, which will help your garden to be not only beautiful and ornate but also with wild animals.