
Listening to the relaxing sound of water is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have in your garden. How? Installing a font. Although you might think that these decorative elements are designed for large spaces, the reality is that currently we can also have them in small gardens. And they look so good …!

Next we are going to give you a series of tips and ideas for decorating the garden with fountains. Do not miss it.

What types of garden fountains are there?

In the market you will find 4 types of sources, which are:

Central sources


They are those in which the external appearance is decorative, but is not as important as its location. These sources they always have to be in the center of the water tank.

Stone fountains

Image - Catesela

Image – Catsela

They are those that are composed of stones stacked together so that they appear to be a miniature waterfall.

Wall fountains

Wall fountain

Image – Ornamental Fountains

As the name suggests, they are located on the wall. The water tank can be square or semi-circular depending on where you want to put it.

Pool fountains

Pool fountain

Image- Archi Expo

They can be of any type that we have seen, but its design and its function is thought so that the fonts are beautifulthat attract attention.

How to install a fountain in the garden?

Image - Garden Islands

Image – Garden Islands

If you want to have a garden with fountains, follow this one step by step:

  1. The first thing you have to do is decide where you are going to put it. As we have seen, there are several types, and each of them has a specific design for each corner.
    If you are going to put it on the lawn, remove the one that is growing in the area where you want to put it.
  2. Make a concrete base, and level the ground. Make sure to leave an outlet so the fountain pump can work.
  3. Depending on the model, place the pump inside the base of the fountain and start it.
  4. Check for leaks; If present, seal the drain hole with silicone or caulk.

Decorate your garden with fountains

Here are several ideas: