Do you know what acid plants are?

Acid plants have their origin in the countries of Asia

The qualifier that is responsible for describing the set of plants that have cultivation characteristics that are similar as well as peculiar. Within the content of this botanical family we can find the Azaleas, Hydrangea, Camellia or also Rhododendron.

Each of the needs that are specific are not more than a simple reflection of what is real and that is that most of the acidic plants that we can normally enjoy in each of the gardens that are originally from this climate, but what These have their origin in the countries of Asiaa continent where the soil conditions as well as the climatological conditions are substantially different and which are in charge of greatly marking the life of this class of plants.

The characteristics of acidic plants

acidic plant characteristics

The essential difference that these plants have relative to others is in what is their soil acidity demand in which they are sown.

Therefore, and in order to bring this class of plants to an excellent port, it is important to take into account that acidophilic plants have a pH demand that is between the numbers 4,5 and also 6,5 to get the amount of nutrients needed from it in the right way.

It is very important to be able to have the knowledge that this is a determining factor for good health as well as for its flowering. Because if we refer to the case of a plant that is acidic, it is planted in a soil that is neutral or in its basic difference will not have a chance to prosperthe roots will not be able to extract from the soil what is necessary to be able to go outside, to flourish and this is something that will make us notice when their leaves change a yellow color, something that is called chlorosis.

The coloration that occurs in the leaves of these plants represents nothing more than a sign that its roots are not absorbing iron in the correct waylike the magnesium found in the soil in which they are planted.

An authentic sign that this is the time to change the substrate or even to make a change to the plant location. But nevertheless and being away from the substrate, another factor that can cause this chlorosis is that there is an excess of lime.

How to care for acid plants

As we have already mentioned, the origin of acidic plants it denotes to a large extent each one of the cultivation needs.

acidic plant care

It is very important that we keep in mind that in the climates of the Asian countries they have the characteristic of having the seasons that differ from each other and that occur in a less extreme way than in those of our country. This is something that we have to addEnter the amount of humidity that is constant throughout the yearsomething that is of great importance for all plants that are acidic.

It is for each of these reasons that it is very important to take into account that acidic plants do not like direct sunlightTherefore, they grow better when they are in semi-shade or in an area with total shade.

In the same way and due to each of the characteristics of its climate of origin, require a certain degree of humidity as much as the plant itself, as is the environment where it is found.

Likewise, it is important to bear in mind that this type of plant does not have much resistance to temperatures that are low in winter. This is one of the reasons why we should grow them in pots.

Do you know what acid plants are?

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