Cretaceous ebony plant

If you plan to have a garden that you have to take care of the least, you may be interested in having plants that resist drought and high summer temperatures. One of the best options are those that live in the Mediterranean region, such as the Cretan Ebony.

This is an ideal shrub for xero-gardens: Not only does it grow wonderfully with little water, but it also produces very pretty pink inflorescences.

What is Cretan Ebony like?

Cretaceous ebony in the habitat

Cretan Ebony in habitat.

Our protagonist is an evergreen shrub whose scientific name is Cretaceous ebony. As its name suggests, it is native to the island of Crete, where it grows on rocky terrain at sea level and up to 600 meters. It reaches a height between 50 to 100 centimeters. Its leaves are similar to those of the Callistemon, that is, they are short, about 4cm, thin and pubescent.

The flowers, which sprout from the end of March to June (in the Northern Hemisphere), are grouped in pink spike-shaped inflorescences.

What care do you need?

Cretaceous ebony in bloom

Do you like Cretan Ebony? If so, here is your care guide:

  • Location: it must be placed outside, in full sun.
  • Soil or substrate: it must have very good drainage and be calcareous (pH 7).
  • Irrigation: in pot it will require one or two regular waterings a week; in the garden it will be enough to water them twice a week the first year, and once every seven days from the second.
  • Subscriber: from spring to summer must be paid with universal fertilizer, following the indications specified on the packaging.
  • Pruning: is not necessary. It will be enough to remove the withered flowers.
  • Plagues and diseases– May have fungal infection if overwatered. They are treated with systemic fungicide.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring or by cuttings in late summer.
  • Rusticity: they support weak and occasional frosts of up to -3ºC.

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