Dasylirion acrotriche var. parryanum

Dasylirion acrotriche var. parryanum

Do you live in an area where rainfall is very low? If so, this plant interests you. It belongs to the genus Dasylirion and is very resistant to drought and intense sun. In fact, in order to grow well, it must be planted in an area where it is directly exposed to the sun king.

It is very ornamental. It has very long and thin leaves, and a trunk that can be more or less thick depending on the species. Get to know it.

How is the Dasylirion?

Dasylirion serratifolium

Dasylirion serratifolium

Our protagonist is a perennial plant native to the desert areas of Central America that belongs to the botanical family Asparagaceae. Over time it develops a stem, often raised up to 30cm thick and 1 meter high. The leaves form very dense rosettes; they are linear, fibrous, glabrous and with serrated margins. The flowers are grouped in paniculate inflorescences.

Its growth rate is slower, but it has the advantage that its root system is very superficial and is not harmful.

What care do you need?

Dasylirion berlandieri

Dasylirion berlandieri

If you are liking this plant, here is your care guide:

  • Location: outside, in full sun.
  • Soil or substrate: it is not demanding, but it must allow the rapid drainage of the water.
  • Planting or transplanting time: in spring, when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Irrigation: every 5 days if it is potted, and every 10 days during the first year if it is in soil. From the second, you will be able to space the waterings more.
  • Subscriber: during spring and summer it must be paid with mineral fertilizers. You can use compost for cacti and succulents following the instructions specified on the package, or Nitrofoska. In the latter case, if it is in a pot, you can give it a small spoonful every 15 days; if it is on the ground, a large spoonful will suffice.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring and summer. Direct sowing in seedbed.
  • Rusticity: it withstands high temperatures of up to 40ºC without problems, but frost can harm it. You need protection if the mercury in the thermometer drops below -3ºC.

Have you heard of the Dasylirion?