Plants and herbs ideal for the kitchen

Kitchen plants

Our plants They are essential ingredients in the kitchen, herbs that feed our palates with their powerful aromas, their differential characteristics.

It is ideal to have some aromatic herbs in the kitchenNot only because they are tasty and add personality to any preparation but also because they are very beautiful, especially if your kitchen is bright and you can place them next to a window.

The kitchen, the ideal place

Many aromatic herbs are easy to care for, just keep them in a pot and water them when due to grow in harmony. If the pots are in the kitchen, it is possible to have fresh ingredients throughout the year and within easy reach. You can use them in stews and risottos, in meat and fish.

Kitchen plants

Generally, aromatic herbs and spices are grown outside but if you have one sunny kitchen they adapt to the interior without inconvenience.

When choosing the varieties, you must bear in mind that many of them are seasonal, that is, you will have to replace them every year. In addition, you can choose those that also eliminate bad odors and thus remove those aromas that permeate the kitchen naturally.

If your kitchen is somewhat dark then you will have toe rotate your plants and herbs every 15-20 days so that they are then nourished by natural light. Also, keep in mind that the specimens must withstand the temperature changes produced by the eventual heat of the oven. Avoid plants with toxic components and those that grow too large and a great advice for those who like cacti: kitchens are fantastic places for them to recover since the gases of the environment favor their healing.

Ideal plants for the kitchen

Kitchen plants

If you have a kitchen with great luminosity you can have a large number of plants and herbs such as mint, parsley, basil, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, pennyroyal, thyme or bay leaf.

If this is not the case, there are options for all types of kitchens: Aloe Vera, Fern, Scirpus Cernuus and Angel Tears.

More information – Plants to have in rooms

Plants and herbs ideal for the kitchen

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