Tree fern, a very showy variety

Tree fern

Many varieties of Ferns they are noble and resistant And that makes them attractive to those who find gardening a hobby or who are taking their first steps in the field and do not yet have that shrewd eye capable of solving problems on their own.

It is that examining the plants and discovering possible pests or diseases, knowing when they lack water or when they need a pruning is not something easy in the first stage. Ferns have the virtue of being undemanding plants and can even grow almost on their own. This is why they are so popular.

A fern from Oceania

Among the varieties of ferns is the Cyathea Australisbetter known as Rough tree ferndue to the appearance of its trunk.

This species is native to southeastern Queensland, New South Wales, southern Victoria, Australia, and Tasmania and Norfolk Island. The first tree ferns were described in 1810 when some were collected on King Island, near Tasmania.

Tree fern

It is distinguished by its solid and long trunkwhich can measure up to 12 meters high and is crowned by powerful bipinnate and tripinnate fronds which are about 4 meters long.

It is a showy and unusual fern that is also difficult to describe as it can vary from specimen to specimen. There are bigger and smaller ones, some taller and others of medium size, also more robust ferns and there is a great difference in the characteristics of the scales of the trunk.

Tree fern conditions

Tree fern

The best habitat for the tree fern is a place where it receives natural light, with temperatures above 7 degrees Celsius and humidity greater than 50%. It is a variety cold resistant and frost resistant.

During the summer, you need a abundant watering and you have to be careful with the heating that can affect it and generate big problems.

Tree fern, a very showy variety

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