How to make a zen garden

It was transparent

If you want to have a very special corner that allows you to relax without having to take any infusion, I suggest you make a Zen garden. Its simple design, with sand and stones, is all it takes to be, at least for a while, with your mind completely stillempty.

Observing for a few minutes the drawing of the sand simulating the movements of the sea water and the stones that protrude from it, is a very rewarding experience. If you feel like it, I’ll explain how to make a zen garden so you can experience it for yourself.

Miniature was transparent

To have a zen garden what you have to do is:

Calculate how many meters you want your garden to be

The zen garden can be any size you want. You just have to decide if you are going to have it inside the house or if, on the contrary, you prefer to have it outsidein your garden.

Create a mold

If you plan to have a miniature Zen garden, you can use a wooden box that is low in height. In the event that you are going to have it outside, you can use wooden planks whose height does not exceed 10cm, or place low bushes on all sides.

Place anti-weed mesh on the bottom

Cleanliness is very important in Zen gardens, so weeds must be prevented from growing and invading them putting anti-herb mesh.

Fill your Zen garden with sand or gravel

You can get sand or gravel at a pet store or, if you plan to make an outdoor garden, you can order it from a quarry in your area. Once you have it, you have to spread it so that it is as level as possible.

Put some elements to give it a theme

You can put, not only stones or rocks, but also old logs with moss so that your zen garden is really interesting. They have to be far from the center and a little bit submerged in the sand.

Rake the sand

Now, with the zen garden almost finished, It is time to pass the rake making long curved strokes.

Zen garden with trees

And ready. Enjoy your zen garden!

How to make a zen garden

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