Month: March 2021

What are the symptoms of a lack of iron in plants?

Plants need nutrients in order to grow. When the roots cannot have any of them, they will immediately begin to show symptoms of that lack. One of the most common problems they have, especially those that are acidophilic, is a lack of iron . This lack is noticed very quickly, making our beloved plants not look sad and even sick. When […]

What are the advantages of seed plants?

Seeds are nature’s latest acquisition (at the moment). The first plants that appeared did not produce them, but multiplied thanks to spores, which were carried by the wind. But about 380 million ago this began to change. Vegetable beings emerged, called vascular plants, which reproduced in a different way. In a way that would end up being the most common method […]

What to sow in winter

With the arrival of winter, many of us might think that nothing can be sown until spring returns, which would be a most rational thought considering that in many places the temperatures drop below 0 degrees, and that even significant frosts and snowfalls occur. However, in temperate and / or mild climates, you can always […]

The best fruit trees for limestone soils

Limestone or clayey soils have the peculiarity that they compact very easily , and not only that, but if the climate is also dry and warm, the probabilities that they will end up eroded are very high; and if that were to happen, it would be necessary to provide them with nutrients before being able to plant. […]

How to straighten a leaning tree

The vast majority of trees need a minimum of two years for their root system to develop enough so that they can be more or less safe on days when the wind blows with a certain intensity, and even longer to withstand the onslaught of intense storms. or hurricanes. If during that period they do not […]

How to make homemade compost

When we have a garden or a home garden and we want to start planting crops, it is best to choose to have totally natural organic fertilizers. For this, a natural compost can be created. Organic waste is needed that is obtained through a process known as composting. This natural organic fertilizer is given thanks to the action […]

Potted avocado care

Is it possible to grow a potted avocado throughout its life? Well, theoretically not. Keep in mind that the pure species ( Persea americana ) is a tree that can be at least 8 meters high, and that also has a crown so wide that you can lie down next to its trunk and thus protect yourself from the […]

Dehydrated fruit

If you have ever had an excess of fruit on a tree in your garden and you do not know what to do with the excellent fruit, we bring the solution: dehydrated fruit . It is a healthy option for all those people who want to increase the amount of nutrients they eat in their day to day. It […]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of potting soil?

Potting soil is a type of soil that has many advantages but also some disadvantages. Its price is quite good -an 80-liter sack can cost less than 15 euros-, so it is very worthwhile to always have at home, especially if we are one of those who go to a nursery and cannot return with empty […]

Artificial vertical garden

Many people work outside the home for long hours every day. This should not be a problem for the decoration of our home. We know that a large part of the decoration of a house depends mostly on plants. However, if we do not have time to take care of these plants, it is best to have artificial […]

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