Breeding lavender: when and how to do it

Lavender is a very popular aromatic plant both indoors and in orchards and gardens. This plant, with many culinary and medicinal uses, also has the ability to attract beneficial pollinating insects , such as bees and ladybugs, so having lavender is always a good idea. In addition, its characteristic purple flowers are very beautiful, and its pleasant smell will make any space or room more pleasant. As if all this were not enough, it is a plant with a great capacity to adapt to a wide range of conditions, so anyone can dare to get hold of them.

In this article we show you when and how to reproduce lavender , and that is that, although it is possible to plant it from seeds, its reproduction by cuttings is much more practical and faster.

When to breed lavender

Since we are going to reproduce lavender by cuttings , we must try to do so in a temperate climate, which is the one to which this plant is best adapted. Thus, it is best to choose a time when the temperatures are neither too high nor too low. In most climates, this occurs in the early fall and spring . However, if you live in an area with a very constant tropical climate, you can do it practically all year round.

How to reproduce lavender – step by step

By reproducing by cuttings, we achieve a very fast reproduction of the plant, since in a few weeks we will have an adult and healthy specimen. It is also a fairly safe method in the species that allow it, such as lavender, and that will give rise to a plant that is an exact copy of the mother plant. Follow these steps to reproduce lavender by cuttings :

  1. Disinfect the scissors or knife with which you are going to cut the lavender. This is a very necessary step whenever you are working with pruning or cuttings, since if you are not careful, you could transmit diseases to the plant and spread them to others later.
  2. Make the cuttings . Make your cuts cleanly, choosing woody branches that have a good number of secondary branches. Then, cut the secondary branches close to their birth, only a few centimeters along the main branch, but taking care not to damage it. These cuts, when buried, will help the cutting to form roots more easily. If the cutting has very small and still green secondary twigs, simply remove them with your hands.
  3. Dip the lavender cuttings in rooting agent . For this, you can use rooting hormone like the one sold in specialized surfaces, or prepare your own at home with one of the many methods available. Soak the cuttings in the prepared rooting agent for about an hour.
  4. Prepare the pot or container. The ideal is to use clay pots, although plastic can also be useful for this. In any case, it is very important that the container has drainage holes.
  5. Regarding the substrate for the cuttings , here it is best to prepare your own special mixture for the cuttings. Use a part of coconut fiber , one of peat and one of sand. This substrate will be very light and suitable for plants in this delicate state. Do not use peat or soil that you have previously cultivated, as it could contain pests or diseases.
  6. Plant the lavender cuttings . Poke a hole in the substrate with a pen or your finger and bury the lavender cuttings.
  7. Water the cuttings abundantly but without flooding. To help the cuttings grow in a more stable environment, you can cover the pot with a cut-out plastic bottle or something similar, which will act as a greenhouse.

In about 4-6 weeks, your lavender cuttings will have taken root and are ready to be transplanted to their final location. 

Breed Lavender: When and How to Do It - How to Breed Lavender - Step by Step

Lavender care – a simple guide

After learning how to reproduce lavender , now it is time to know its care in order to grow the plants that you have achieved. Actually, you will see that lavender is not very demanding in its care. As long as you have these points about the care of lavender in consideration, it will be enough for it to develop well and be healthy.

  • Light: it is one of the few important things that the plant needs. Always place it in a well-lit area or room, where it receives six or more hours of direct light a day. Only if you live in an area with extraordinarily intense sun, you should cover it with it.
  • Climate: lavender is typical of temperate climates and appreciates them, although it can adapt to cold and warm climates.
  • Location: Do n’t crowd the different lavender buds too closely together when planting them, as they will be better with space.
  • Watering: once a week in the warm months, it is usually enough. However, if you notice that the substrate is very dry, water it more often. Do not get its leaves, stems or flowers wet when watering it.
  • Pruning: a gentle pruning done once a year will make the plant grow stronger and in better health. 
Breeding lavender: when and how to do it - Lavender care - simple guide
Breeding lavender: when and how to do it

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