How to eliminate fungi in plant soil?

Fungi are microorganisms that can seriously harm our plants; in fact, when they are seen normally it is already too late. For this reason, it is very important that we do not overwater, otherwise, the roots could rot quickly. If you suspect your crops are not going through their prime, don’t worry. Next, we are going to tell you how to prevent and eliminate fungi in plant soil.

In this article, we are going to tell you what are the signs to learn to identify fungi in plant soil and what are their elimination processes.

Symptoms of fungi in plant soil

Fungi appear in the substrate

The first thing we need to know is to learn to identify fungi in plant soil. It is very common to confuse the appearance of fungi with other more common phenomena in substrates. Surely if you have had both indoor and outdoor plants, you have ever found white spots in the soil of your plants. We can be alarmed and think that it is fungi, but we have directly ruled out that it is not lime or salt remains. Often when we water there are some invisible components in the water that accumulate on the ground. They tend to create a whitish stain that becomes more fluffy over time and begins to harden.

If this is the case, we just have to withdraw without any complication. The big difference between some lime and fungus is that it is distributed in a different way throughout the substrate . Although it can start by creating clusters in a specific way, if it begins to colonize the entire substrate, one realizes that they are fungi.

How to prevent the appearance of fungi?

There are several things that we can and should do to prevent fungi from damaging our plants, the most important of which is to control irrigation . These microorganisms are favored by excess moisture, so we must water only when necessary, that is, every time we notice that the soil is dry or that it is drying out. To do this, we will simply have to insert a thin wooden stick and see how much has adhered to it: if it has been a lot, we will not water.

All this has some nuances depending on the type of plant we are growing. There are plants that by their nature need a large amount of humidity and are continuously exposed to water . These types of plants have greater control over the appearance of fungi. The problem is that there are many fungi in the soil of the plants that start to grow from here and then spread from the stem to all parts of the plant.

Indoor plants are more vulnerable to fungal infection

In the event that we have dishes under the pots, it will be very necessary to remove the excess water ten minutes after watering , because if we do not do it, the root system could become ill. Likewise, we must use substrates that have good drainage , since this way the water can be filtered quickly. Drainage is the ability of the soil to filter rainwater or irrigation. The same thing happens in a pot.

Depending on the substrate we are using, the irrigation water can accumulate and generate serious problems if the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Most indoor plants do not tolerate waterlogging, so we must be careful not only with the amount of watering, but with the dish below.

Cultivation errors that favor the appearance of fungi in the soil of the plants

There are some mistakes when it comes to caring for our plants that we all make without wanting to. And there is a certain ideal environment for the development of these fungi and many times we are not controlling this situation. Let’s see what are the main aspects that can make fungi grow in the soil of plants:

  • Little ventilated environment : it is something more typical of the coldest months of the year. Due to the low temperatures, we tend to ventilate the home for less time. This means that, on many occasions, the air does not flow constantly and is being renewed. Most plants, even if they are specialized for indoor use, need a constant flow of air that can renew the environment.
  • Warm temperature : it is a determining factor when it comes to preventing the growth of fungi in the soil of the plants. Heat is a catalyst for fungi and various insect pests. If our environment is too warm, we not only have to consider removing mold from the ground, but there is also a plague bothering us.
  • Excess humidity : it is the main reason for the appearance of fungi in the soil of the plants. Normally, it may be that we water a little more than normal or that the soil in the pot is not generating correctly. You have to control the humidity very well to avoid the appearance of fungi in the soil of the plants. Proper humidity control can also serve to regulate the appearance of other pests.
  • Decomposing matter on the substrate : although in small amounts they can benefit our plants, if we add all the above factors, it can end up creating a perfect breeding ground for fungi.

What to do to eliminate them?

You can eliminate fungi with fungicide

If we suspect that our plants are having a hard time due to fungi, that is, if we see that a white powder has appeared on the ground, if the leaves are rotting for no apparent reason, and / or if the trunk or stem is softening, we will have to act as quickly as possible to prevent the problem from getting worse. So, what we will do will be the following:

  • If the plant is in a pot, we will take it out and wrap the root ball or soil bread with absorbent paper for a day and we will plant it again in that same container.
  • Treat the plant with synthetic fungicide (chemical) following the indications specified on the container. If it is spring or autumn we can sprinkle copper or sulfur on the surface . 
  • Cut the parts that are badly damaged with scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol.
  • Reduce risks . It is much easier to recover a dry plant than one that has suffered from excess water.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about soil fungi, plants and how to eliminate them.

How to eliminate fungi in plant soil?

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