Month: May 2022

Diseases and viruses that affect our tomato crop

Previously we were looking at the different pests that can affect our tomato crop. Among the pests we saw the white fly, the aphids, the red spider, etc. Now I come to comment on the diseases and viruses that can attack our crops and with this I close this chapter on diseases of tomatoes. Do you want […]

How to know if my plant is affected by viruses?

Viruses are microorganisms that, although they cannot be seen with the naked eye, can cause significant damage to plants to the point that, if no measures are taken, they become so weak that in the end they cannot resist infection and dry up. The problem is that there is no treatment that is really effective, but, fortunately, they […]

How and when to plant raspberries

Nothing defines summer better than sweet, succulent raspberries ; Raspberries are actually very easy to plant, regardless of whether it is done in hot or cold climates , since the important thing is that they receive enough sunlight to be able to thrive. There are red, black and yellow raspberries, each one of them ripens at different times of the year and if […]

perlite and vermiculite

For our garden we use certain materials that help us to germinate our plants or that contribute to their good condition. In this case I come to talk to you about perlite and vermiculite. Do you want to know what they are, what they are for and when we should use each one? Index 1 the perlite 2 vermiculite […]

What is woodworm and how is it treated?

Woody plants and wood have a potential enemy: the larvae of various species of beetles that dig tunnels in their trunks, weakening them and, in very serious cases, killing them. These insects are known as carcoma or quera, and you have to do what you can to avoid them. But the what? On this occasion I am […]

10 houseplant names

A home without plants is a place that seems to be missing something, right? Although the vast majority of plant beings that we find in nurseries must be grown outdoors, there are many others that we can use to decorate our home . Some have showy flowers, others such beautiful leaves that they seem artificial. But all the ones […]

Pests and diseases of the fig tree

Figs or Ficus carica belong to the Moraceae family, which includes more than 1,000 species. Figs are known to have been cultivated for thousands of years thanks to remains found in Neolithic excavations dating back to 5,000 BC and despite their ancient history, they are not exempt from many of the same fig insect pests that they plague the tree today. The key […]

Palm trees: all about these plants

Palm trees are plants of exceptional beauty . Its stipe (what we would call trunk) grows upwards as if it wanted to reach the sky, and its beautiful leaves wave with the wind every time it blows between its leaflets, even its flowers, which are grouped in highly branched inflorescences, make the Ornamental value of these vegetables […]

How to recover frozen plants

The cold and, above all, frost can cause significant damage to the most sensitive plants , to the point that their leaves can burn. If that happens, unfortunately most of the time all its parts end up rotting: the branches, the trunk and the roots. Can anything be done to prevent it? Yes of course, but we have […]

Use of aspirin in plants

Aspirin is a pill that we usually have at home. It is very effective for relieving minor aches and the first symptoms of a cold, but… did you know that it can also be used to take better care of plants?  It is a very interesting medicine that can help you to have much healthier and stronger […]

Red cabbage cultivation

Red cabbage is one of the most beautiful horticultural plants: its purple leaves are particularly striking, as they also have a unique flavor. Its cultivation is very simple, so much so that it is not necessary that you have previous experience in the maintenance of plants. Being a vegetable that is grown for the consumption of leaves, you can […]

How to change soil pH

The soil is of vital importance for plants, not in vain, in it are found the minerals that they need so much to grow. But sometimes we find a very acidic or very alkaline soil, which rather than allowing the roots to absorb them, makes them weaken, endangering the life of the vegetables. Is there any way […]

What are soil amendments

If we have land that has suffered the effects of erosion, or if plants have been cultivated for years without any control, it is most likely that the land has ceased to be fertile. When that happens, we have to provide materials, preferably organic, so that the soil becomes arable again. But what are soil amendments? Index […]

Acclimatization of plants step by step

When we buy a plant from a greenhouse we have to bear in mind that the conditions it has lived in up to now are different from those it will find in our home or garden. Because of that, we have to do a number of things so that it can adapt as soon as possible […]

How to improve the drainage of a pot

One of the mistakes we most often make is to overwater the plants. It is often thought that the more water we give them, the better they will grow, not in vain, water is life. But this is not so. The extremes are very harmful: whether we water a little or a lot, our vegetables will not be […]

Main Soil Components

The components of the Soil are those that are responsible for feeding all the life that is part of the plant world and it is that each one of the parts of the soil, turns out to be fundamental so that the adequate development of the plants can be produced , for what it is It is essential that all these […]

How to attract goldfinches to the garden?

A living garden is one in which there are a series of plants and animals that make it a wonderful space where you can disconnect from the routine. One of the elements that make it possible is the song of the birds, one of the most interesting being the goldfinch . This small animal, native to the Mediterranean […]

Most common gardening mistakes (and how to avoid them)

Gardening is exciting. Being in direct contact with plants and the earth is something incredible, which makes you feel very good by making you think of only one thing: the plant beings that you are in charge of. But, we are not going to lie to you: mistakes in gardening are very common , especially when you start. However, […]

Differences between cherry and picota

At the end of June the cherries usually come to an end, however, it is nothing to worry about, since right after that, the time of the cherry trees arrives . But do you really know the differences between both fruits that are so similar? Index 1 Differences between cherry and pillory 2 Other differences between cherry and picota 3 tail 4 the size 5 the […]

3 ecological insecticides for your garden

For the field of gardening and agriculture and, in general, for the care of plants, insecticides are sometimes necessary to avoid possible pests that attack them. There are many types of insecticides in the world, however, insecticides are powerful contaminants of water when filtered and can also harm the plant if their concentration is excessive. To avoid this […]

Rose Leafcutter Bee

Surely on some occasion you have suffered in your rose bushes the effects caused by this insect, the Leaf Cutter Bee as its name indicates, it does exactly that, cut the leaves of the rose bushes , with the purpose of carrying out its characteristic nest. After the prank you will be able to easily identify the person responsible, since […]

How to plant avocados in a pot?

The avocado is one of the most nutritious and delicious fruits that we can find in nature . It contains incredible properties that will not only help you with your physical appearance, but will improve your entire body almost immediately. First of all, avocado is ideal because it offers the body a large amount of vitamins, such as A, C, B5, […]

The parts of a root

For gardening, agriculture or in general something that has to do with plants, it is necessary to know its parts, their functions and how to optimize irrigation and the conditions of the plant so that it can be in optimal conditions. Today I come to talk about the different parts that make up the root of […]

Everything you need to know about fruit grafts

Grafts are very useful in gardening, agriculture and others. It is about joining or inserting one part of a plant into another so that it continues to grow. In this way they are united and the two develop on the same plant. In this case, I am here to talk about fruit grafts, both the types that exist […]

Potted Lemon Tree Care

If you want to have a fruit tree in your patio or balcony and you have no idea which one to choose, I recommend that you get a lemon tree . Yes, yes, although it can grow up to 4-5 meters, it is one of those that best adapts to living in containers as it tolerates pruning very […]

What is the Arlita?

When we need to improve the drainage of our pots or to decorate a corner of our garden in a very original way, it is highly recommended to get some bags of clay , which is a very cheap material that we can use to have a very elegant space. decorated. It is also very easy to find , […]

Nettle and its properties in the organic garden

Nettle is a common plant that grows without much effort in gardens, orchards, etc. For those who are unaware of its usefulness, it is just an annoying weed , therefore, we will provide more information on one of its properties and uses, specifically in our organic garden . We must start by saying that it is a raw material that is very easy […]

Cyperus for your garden

Today I am going to talk about a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the sedge family that comes in handy for our garden or patio. It can also serve as a decoration for tables and large furniture. It is the genus Cyperus. Do you want to know how to take care of the cyperus and what […]

What are the advantages of liquid fertilizers?

In order for our plants to look healthy and beautiful, it will be very necessary to fertilize them throughout their growing season, which usually coincides with the spring and summer months. They, just like us, need nutrients so that their bodies can perform their functions correctly. There are two types of fertilizers on the market: solid […]

12 gardening hacks for newbies

Gardening is an art. It is true that it is an expression of nature, but each garden, each patio, even each balcony decorated with plants is unique and unrepeatable , even if they have been designed in the same style. Each of us can contribute something of their own that will make that space personal. So that the landscape […]

Tips to save irrigation water

Water is as important for plants as it is for other living things. In a world where the average global temperature is increasing and rainfall is becoming scarce in many parts of the globe, it is very important to save as much as possible so that we can have this precious liquid for much longer. Growing plant beings […]

Tips for having a container garden

If we think that it is impossible to have horticultural plants if land is not available… we will be very wrong. 🙂 In fact, although it is true that there are some that, due to the size they reach, it is better to have them planted in the ground, there are others with which we can guarantee […]

Tropism and nastia

It is possible that you have ever heard about in topics related to tropism and nastia plants . They are somewhat strange and purely scientific terms, but they are widely used in the field of biology and botany. Surely if you learn these terms, you are closer to knowing the world of plants and understanding them better. Do you […]

How does the Fusarium fungus affect plants?

Plants can be affected by various microorganisms throughout their lives. Viruses, bacteria and fungi that will test your resistance and your ability to deal with them. Among the latter, there is one in particular that very frequently affects crops, and it is Fusarium . This is a living being that lives in the soil and that goes into action […]

How do I know if my plant is burning?

Although there are many plants that have to be placed in full sun so that they can grow correctly, without forcing their stems to develop excessively so that they can thus capture light, there are many times that, as soon as we buy one, the next day we We found her with burns caused by […]

Chinese moth against Boxwood

The devastating effect that the boxwood caterpillar has on the boxwood plant, whose origin is Asian and arrived in Europe in 2006, has recently been discovered , since then it has been expanding through different European countries and it is estimated that it arrived in Spain in the 2014. It follows that its spread is due to the commercial exchange […]

Persimmon, the most popular persimmon variety

Persimmon is a variety of persimmon with a sweet flavor and very easy to grow that we can easily find for sale in supermarkets during the winter, and also in our orchards . Being able to be consumed fresh and with a spoonful, it is one of the favorite fruits of the colder months. But what is it […]

Everything you need to know about growing mushrooms

Mushrooms are highly valued mushrooms for their excellent flavor and versatility when it comes to making many healthy dishes. It is also loved for its high protein and mineral content. The mushroom is a heterotrophic fungus, that is, it obtains nutrients from the soil since it does not carry out photosynthesis. As it does not have chlorophyll, […]

Tips to enjoy the garden in summer

The garden is to be enjoyed, but during the summer there are those who take advantage of it even more. With the arrival of the heat, you want to be outdoors surrounded by nature and take advantage of your days off to celebrate birthdays or special events. During the months that the high temperatures remain, the […]

How to avoid excess water?

Excess water is the main cause of death of plants. We tend to think that, since water is the liquid that gives life, the more we give them, the better they will grow. But the truth is that, in the same way that we would not feel very well if we drank two liters of water in […]

Plagues and diseases

In the area of ​​medicine and perhaps in the area of ​​general culture, a certain number of diseases are known that daily plague the health of our inhabitants and rather as a matter of convenience, most people today know a large number of diseases, so it is necessary for each individual to know what the necessary measures would […]

Grow Stevia at home

If you have a family member or friend who suffers from pancreatic insufficiency such as diabetes, then you may have heard about sweeteners, but have you also heard that all these products are made from Stevia? Did you know that you can grow Stevia in your own home and forget about the harmful effects of sugar on your body? Stevia […]

How to remove red spider mite

The spider mite is one of the most common pests that beloved plants can have. A dry and warm environment favors its growth and multiplication, something that it does very quickly, so much so that it is sometimes quite difficult to completely eradicate it. Even so, nothing is impossible, so if you want to know how to […]

How the Earth breathes

We are extremely lucky to live on a planet where there is a lot of life, not only animal, but also and especially plant life. These beings were the first to inhabit the Earth and are probably the last to disappear. Before that happens, they will breathe, they will bloom, and their leaves will fall billions of times for […]

The hottest chili in the world

Do you like the spicy taste? As much as you may like it, I absolutely do not recommend trying Dragon’s Breath , a new strain created by Mike Smith, a fruit grower and gardener from Denbigshire, Wales, in collaboration with scientists at Nottingham Trent University. By measuring the intensity of the heat produced by this plant, they discovered […]

Purple carrots, properties and benefits

The carrot is a popular vegetable in many countries and from its raw consumption, to its role in many salads and typical dishes, it is difficult to find a country in which its existence is unknown. Among its main characteristics, we can highlight its typical orange color , its cylindrical shape that makes it pointy, and its cap of green […]

What are bracts?

Plant flowers are wonderful. They fill the landscape with multiple colors and scents, thus attracting a wide variety of pollinators. In addition, they brighten our day, since there is nothing like going out to the patio or garden to disconnect from the routine and enjoy the natural beauty of plant beings. To get to know them better, […]

Why is it important to fertilize?

Plants need a series of macro and micronutrients in order to grow and develop properly. These nutrients are absorbed through the roots, which develop below ground level. Without this food, they would have a very hard time getting by. However, we often forget to pay what causes the progressive loss of these important nutrients. Therefore, it is important to […]

The importance of foliar fertilizer in plants

We have all had contact (directly or indirectly) with plants. We know that there are endless species throughout the world, as well as endless properties, which can be expressed in size, color, lifespan, nutritional and medicinal contributions, fruits, etc. Likewise, there are many homes in which today we can see varieties of plants. These can be used to make use of […]

How to harvest cherries at home

Coming from the cherry tree , the cherry is an ovoid-shaped fruit, approximately 3 centimeters in diameter . Their colors tend to be deep red, deep red, and sometimes deep purple. Its flavor will depend on the type of cherry , since there are two considerations for its flavor, which has given rise to the sweet cherry and the sour cherry. Its […]

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