Alstroemeria: care | Gardening On

Alstroemeria: care

There is no doubt that one of the most beautiful flowering plants you can find is the Alstroemeria. Its care is very easy and it will not take you long to get hold of it.

This plant with flowers so similar to liliesbut much easier to care for, it will brighten up your garden. But, how about we show you what its care is?

How is the Alstroemeria

how is the alstroemeria flower

Alstroemeria is also known as astromelia or as Peruvian lily. It is characterized by being a very lively and rhizomatous plant. It can reach, if left to it and with the pertinent care, more than a meter high.

As for its leaves, these are very long, fleshy and also end in a point. They are totally green, but not too bright and not dull either. And it is that the most characteristic of this plant are its inflorescences.

Our flowers can be of many colorswhich combine perfectly with its greenery. The most common are red, orange, violet, pink and white. In fact, when you see it for the first time, it impresses you that something so small is capable of showing great beauty. These flowers accompany her during the spring and part of the summer. In addition, it is widely used in bouquets because it is a flower that can last up to 2 weeks without wilting, which is a record.

It is originally from South America but it is not one of those that needs tropical care to get ahead, quite the opposite.

Alstroemeria: Important care

take care of the alstroemeria flowering

You already know a little more about Alstroemeria and it is possible that at this point you want to have this plant in your home (we already tell you that it will be a good choice because it is very beautiful).

But, to have it well and healthy, it is necessary to give it the care it needs. And what are the care of the Alstroemeria? Tand we reveal them:


Although it may seem that the Alstroemeria is an indoor plant, the truth is that it is not. He really likes being outside. In this case you can choose between partial shade or direct sun, as long as it does not burn too much.

Our recommendation is that you place it in a place where it gets the morning sun or the afternoon sunin this way it will be nourished much better.


Having said that, you will understand that high temperatures take them well. The problem is when they go too low. If that happens, you have to put it inside the house or protect it so that it can withstand the winter.

In general, for this to happen you would have to lower the temperature to -2ºC, if it happens, better inside the house or protected the land and herself.


You must provide a substrate that be loose and with organic matter. Again, we recommend that you use a mixture between organic soil and some drainage to prevent too much water from accumulating.

In winter you can place a mulch of dead leaves on top of the earth; in this way, you would be protecting its roots from the cold.

peru lily flowers


This is one of the most important care for Alstroemeria, and where we can most fail and ruin the plant. It needs water, yes, but not too much. It is better for her to water a little but several times a week, than all at once. So write this down:

  • In summer, water twice a week. If you live in a hotter area you may need more.
  • In winter, once every 10-15 days will suffice. If you are in a colder area, it may be able to last once a month.

If you don’t want to take risks, what you could do is put an “automatic” watering sometimes with drops. In this way you would leave the irrigation and it would take a few days or weeks to have to replace it. And it is that when it comes to watering you should always do it from below, not from above because if the water touches the flowers or the leaves, they will wither and it will not be pretty.


The payment in spring and summer will help you not to spend too much energy with your flowering. So try to give it a little mineral fertilizer. In autumn you can also apply compost that will be great.


Pruning is one of the Alstroemeria care that you should consider. And it is that, in autumn, You should always cut the stems and flowers at ground level. Then you can cover it to withstand the winter.

Now keep in mind that it is a perennial plant so, if you provide a suitable temperature, it could remain without pruning (except for the withered flowers, which would have to be removed).


Transplant You should do it every 3 or more years. It is a way of renewing the land and allowing it to grow little by little. Of course, always choose a slightly larger pot, do not pass it to a very large one because it may not be good for the roots.

Plagues and diseases

Alstroemeria is one of the strongest plants against pests and diseases. Nevertheless, We recommend protecting it from mealybugs, slugs and snails. These are the three main enemies.

But don’t worry, because if they attack you, you can get ahead.

There are other pests that you should also pay attention to, although normally the plant itself is capable of eliminating them on its own (only when it is weak will they attack it). For example: aphids, mites, whiteflies, viruses (mosaic and spotted wilt).

Regarding diseases, the main one and that can affect it the most is root rot. This occurs when you water too much and it keeps the soil too wet for too long. If you catch it in time, it is possible that changing its pot and removing as much soil as possible can prevent it from dying.


The reproduction of the Alstroemeria is carried out through division of the rhizome. This has to be done in the fall, but if you usually live in an area with very cold winters, then it is better to do it in the spring.

You can also get it by seedsbut keep in mind that it will take 2-3 years to flower because it first develops all the roots and then dedicates its energy to the flowers.

As you can see, Alstroemeria care is not difficult to apply, and if you do it right you will ensure that you have a very healthy plant full of flowers that will brighten your day. Do you dare to have one?

Alstroemeria: care | Gardening On

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