Calathea medallion | Gardening On

calathea medallion

Seeing a calathea and not falling for them is very difficult. There is many varieties to choose from and all of them have peculiar characteristics that make them as beautiful or more beautiful than the last one you have seen. That’s what happens to the Calathea medallion.

But do you know what this plant is like? And the care you need? Do not worry, because then we are going to give you all the information you need to know about it.

How is the Calathea medallion

calathea medallion leaves

The Calathea medallion also it is known as Calathea roseopicta medallion and, like the others, it is characterized by having very large leaves that are between round and oval. But the most striking of these is not so much the size, but rather the color that you will find.

And it is that in the undersides of leaves will be reddish purple or dark red that has nothing to do with the front part of the leaves, in a dark green color but with light green and yellow or white patterns on it.

This plant can easily reach 40-60 centimeters, sometimes much more (in the market you can find it up to 80 centimeters).

Another name by which it is known as “prayer plants”, and receives this peculiar name due to the movement of the leaves. And it is that, when it is daytime, the leaves are usually extended and open, that is, somewhat lower than normal. But as day gives way to night, the leaves begin to rise and retract. This is an activity that they carry out above all because they follow the movement of the sun, but it is impressive to see the change that they generate in their leaves and how they change places.

Es originally from Americaspecifically from the areas of Peru and Brazil, although there are other calatheas that are not from this place.

Calathea medallion care

calathea medallion pot

If you are one of those who has a calatea, you will know that they are somewhat special in terms of their care, but if you are able to provide it, you will have no problem seeing how it evolves and grows. But, to achieve this, you need to know the care.

Location and temperature

Let’s start with where the Calathea medallion should be. In general, all calatheas need a very bright location but one that does not give them direct sunlight because it would end up burning the leaves.

Fits well in both low light and high light patternsthat is, you can place it in the shade although the leaves will not look as pretty.

The difference between one location and another is mainly in the color of the leaves. The darker they are, the less need for light you will need.

In the case of temperature, here you do have to be careful. Because of its natural habitat, which is the tropics, they need a temperature that is between 8 and 30 degrees Celsius. But the normal thing is that, from 15 degrees (down) it begins to suffer from the cold (that’s why it’s good to have it inside the house).


The land of the Calathea medallion must be moist whenever possible. But not soaked. Just enough for you to notice it cold. Therefore, you have to provide a mixture that holds water well but at the same time drains. For example, 50% Universal Earth and 50% Perlite or Perlite and Charcoal.

This way you will ensure that it has a good substrate.


The transplant of a Calathea medallion is usually only when it needs to be repotted, but in general this does not happen up to 2-3 or even 4 years. Everything will depend on the growth you have.

When changing it, in addition to taking into account the substrate, the pot is also important. If you live in an area with a dry climate, a plastic pot is more suitable than a terracotta one. The reason is that the first will retain moisture much better than the second.

The terracotta ones are also very useful because they allow the soil and roots to perspire at the same time that the latter remain moist (the terracotta removes excess moisture).

The The best time to do it will always be the end of winter or the beginning of springwhen the low temperatures begin to subside.

prayer plant plants

Irrigation and humidity

Two of the key factors for a Calathea medallion to live long is knowing how much to water and when to provide moisture.

All calatheas like water and humiditymore the second than the first. It needs a humid environment, and keep it at least 50% humidity.

So, when it comes to watering, first you have to make sure it’s dry, at least the top layer. This may result in you watering one, two or three times a week, depending on the weather and temperature.

Regarding humidity, it is important have high humidity to keep it healthy. You can provide it by placing it on a container with pebbles and water or by placing a humidifier next to it to hydrate it. In summer it might be good to spray its leaves, but always from below because, if you do it from above, you could lose the leaves (they can rot).


Actually, the Calathea medallion is not pruned, but it is, when a leaf is bad, yellow, wrinkled, etc. should cut it because that simple gesture will make the plant re-create more leaves.

Don’t be scared if you have to cut it whole. As long as you provide the necessary care you can have it again in a short time.

Plagues and diseases

Actually, the Calathea medallion, and all Calatheas in general, have a serious problem with watering and humidity. If you don’t give them the right one, they let you know early on by the look of their leaves. These can be shriveled and wrinkled or yellow.

Fungi is another problem that you are going to face, either due to the use of water or due to an excess of it.


This is done mainly at the same time as the transplant and is done by dividing the plant.


Did you know that the leaves of the Calathea medallion have another use? In the zone of Brazil many people use them, because they are so big and strong, to wrap food.

Another of the uses they give it is that of make handicrafts.

However, the main one they have is to decorate, since they are very pretty with their brands and that makes many “adopt” them in their homes.

Did you know the Calathea medallion?

Calathea medallion | Gardening On

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