How is the acacia flower?

The acacia flower is yellow

Image – Flickr/Ferran Turmo Gort // acacia dealbata

The acacia flower sprouts with the arrival of good weather, although sometimes it can appear before, and what’s more, it does so with such energy that it seems that it wants to hide the leaves to be the one that stands out. Its objective is not always to attract pollinating insects, everything will depend on whether it is hermaphrodite or unisexual, but what can be firmly stated is that it does not cost anything to fertilize itself and produce fruit with seeds.

Sometimes we humans take the branches with flowers to make floral sets and decorate the interior of the house with them. Although these last a few days, if we change the water daily and avoid exposing them to direct light, we will surely make them last a long time. But, what exactly is the acacia flower like?

What is the flower of the acacia?

Acacia flowers are yellow

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Alvesgaspar // acacia saligna

The flower of our protagonist it is yellow, rarely white, and is shaped like a tiny ball or pom-pom about 1 centimeter wide. It appears grouping in a branched inflorescence and, sometimes, a little hanging.

It is important that you have this clear because there are some trees that are known by the name of acacia but they have nothing in commonas is the case with these three:

  • Albizia julibrissincalled acacia of Constantinople: Its flowers also look like pom-poms, but they are white and pink, and about 2-3 centimeters long. See file.
  • Robinia pseudoacaciawhich is called false acacia: its flowers are grouped in hanging inflorescences, and are white. See file.
  • The old one Sophora japonica (is now Styphnolobium japonicum), known as Japanese wattle or Japan wattle: the flowers can be confused with those of R. pseudoacacia, but they have a small green spot on their upper half. See file.

When does the acacia bloom?

La acacia is a tree that blooms either in late winter or spring. Everything will depend on the temperatures in the area, as well as the health you have at that time. So if the temperatures are warm or mild, you can start producing your flowers long before the spring season arrives; but if there are frosts or snowfalls, it will take longer to do so.

Also, keep in mind that if you are thirsty, or if you are growing in very compact and/or heavy soil, it will cost you more than if you are growing in light and fertile soil.

And when does an acacia begin to bloom? Again, the answer is: it depends. But if the weather is warm and it is planted in the ground, it may produce its first flowers at one or two years of age. Of course, with those years it is a very young plant, about 2 meters at most, and little branched, so you can’t expect it to be full of flowers, but if it doesn’t lack anything and you feel comfortable, I’m sure it will It will bloom without difficulty.

However, it is also important that you know that some acacias, especially African ones such as the acacia tortilisthey take longer to do. This is because it lives in an area where temperatures are not only very high, but also where it rains little. Therefore, if you dare to grow them, you have to be patient, since it is easy for a minimum of 5 years to pass before they bloom.

Why doesn’t my acacia bloom?

Acacia flowers are small

Image – Wikimedia/Forest & Kim Starr // Acacia farnesiana

Does your acacia not bloom or has it stopped? Then it’s time to find out what’s going on with him. Therefore, let’s see what are the reasons why your tree does not produce flowers:

  • Is young: It is usually the most common cause. The acacias that are most commonly found for sale, such as the acacia dealbata or the acacia salignaThey bloom from a young age, but there are others that take longer. And yet, if it doesn’t get the care it needs, it can take longer to flower.
  • Lacks water: the acacia withstands drought very well, but if we want it to flourish and we live in an area where months can go by without rain, it is worth watering it from time to time. Also, if it is in a pot, we will have to water it about twice a week in summer, and once a week the rest of the year.
  • He has plenty of water: when it is watered frequently and/or if the soil remains wet for too long, the leaves turn yellow and then dry. To avoid this, avoid planting it in compact and heavy soils, and if you have it in a pot, choose one that has holes in its base and fill it with a universal growing substrate like this one from here!, or with a mixture of peat and perlite in equal parts.
  • It’s in a small pot: if your acacia is growing in a pot, if you want it to flourish you have to plant it in a bigger one every so often; that is, whenever the roots come out or whenever they are growing near the drainage holes. The transplant will be done in spring, so that the tree can recover as soon as possible.

We hope that this article will help you to know more about the acacia flower.

How is the acacia flower?

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