How do you care for Asparagus densiflorus?

Asparagus densiflorus

In regions like the Mediterranean we find plants like the one known by the scientific name Asparagus densiflorus. At first glance it looks like a common species, with an ornamental value that is not very different from that of any other plant, but when you stop to observe it and then spend a little time getting to know it… you realize that you have the perfect place for it In your home ? .

If you have come to that conclusion, get a copy and follow the advice we are going to offer you now so you know how to take good care of it from day one.

Origin and characteristics

Origin and characteristics of Asparagus densiflorus

The Asparagus densiflorusKnown as african asparagus, It is a plant native to South Africa that produces woody, cylindrical stems, armed with thorns and with a large number of leaves. The flowers are grouped in cluster inflorescencesand they are a very nice white color.

It grows until it reaches max height 40-45cm, which is why it can be grown without problems in pots throughout its life. Of course, you have to keep it away from pets because it is toxic to them.

One of the uses that is often given to it is to serve as a complement in bouquets, since those feathery leaves go very well with groups of flowers such as roses. In many florists they have this plant precisely for that, to cut stems and use them together with the leaves to assemble the bouquets.

What are their cares?

Care Asparagus densiflorus

If you finally decide to get one, we recommend taking care of it in the following way:


You must bear in mind that this plant it is very hardy but its best location is going to be one where it can get the most light. Now, as with other plants, the asparagus can be in direct sun but it is not the best. To give you an idea:

  • If you put it in direct sun, what it will cause is that the plant loses the bright green that it has in its foliage and in return it will appear yellow. You will see her as if she were sick and besides, she would no longer be pretty.
  • If you put it in shade and do not let it get as much light as possible, then you will cause its fronds to elongate. What does this imply? Well, you are going to lose that density that the whole plant has and its compact size.

So, if you want it to go well, the best is the following:

  • Exterior: in full sun or partial shade.
  • Interior: in a bright room.


Like the location, the temperature is very important for the plant to feel good. The Ideal temperature of this plant is between 13 and 17 degrees Celsius. It does not like the cold, although it can tolerate it.

The problem comes with the extremes, that is, with cold or frost that lowers the temperature to less than 8 degrees; or intense heat that raises the temperature too much (it is capped at 25 degrees).

For this reason, in these cases, and depending on where you have it, it would be convenient to have it inside the house so that it does not suffer when the temperature is not ideal for it.


  • Flower pot: universal culture substrate, or if you prefer, mix black peat with perlite and earthworm humus in equal parts.
  • Yard: grows in fertile, well-drained soils. We recommend that you make a kind of bowl around it because that way, when you water it, the water will stay in its space and you will make it filter better towards the roots.


water it a few 2 or 3 times a week in summerand every 4-5 days the rest of the year.

Plant Asparagus densiflorus The soil needs to be somewhat moist, hence the moderate irrigation it has. Now, a little trick to know if it needs to be watered or not is that, before doing so, touch the ground and see if it is light and crumbles. If so, then you need water. In fact, in winter many reduce this irrigation even more. If you remember, we have told you that it is watered every 4-5 days, but depending on its location, temperature and humidity, it may be necessary to space the irrigations much more.

And speaking of humidity, she is very grateful for this one because it allows her to hydrate all her foliage. In fact, it is recommended that you spray at least 2-3 times a week, more if it is summer as you may need it if you are in a very hot location.

Normally, if you follow a good watering pattern, it will normally grow very quickly, not only tall, but also lush.

The Asparagus densiflorus plant needs to have a somewhat moist soil


In spring and summer. Since it is not edible, you can pay it with chemical fertilizers such as universal or green leaves that they sell ready for their application in the nurseries. If you prefer organic fertilizers, use guano instead.

The guideline for fertilizing this plant is every 15 days. What you do have to take into account is the size of the plant. There are some manufacturers that only give you the amount but for adult plants, not for young or small ones.

For that, you will have to adjust the amount of fertilizer to use so as not to overdo it and overfeed, which can cause it to suffer from stress due to too rapid growth.


The pruning that takes place in the Asparagus densiflorus is maintenance, so it can be done at any time of the year.

This pruning is almost always focused on remove old or dead parts so that they do not affect the appearance of the plant and cannot harm it either. It also helps it develop more slings (stems).

Another reason why you can cut it is because it loses its compact shape, either because there is a stem that has grown larger or because it has a shape that breaks with the one you had or wanted.

Finally, if your asparagus is yellowish, a drastic pruning is carried out, cutting at ground level.

Plagues and diseases

Here we must separate two situations in which you can find yourself. On the one hand, that your plant is well, that you comply with the care of the Asparagus densiflorusand look healthy. If so, surely you will not have a problem with pests or diseases because it is resistant. That does not mean that it is exempt from them, but it will overcome them more easily.

If it’s wrong, then it will affect you and could endanger the plant.

And what are those problems? As for pests, the most important is the Red spider. This causes the asparagus leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Thus, it exposes some filaments that are under those leaves, made by that spider. Humidity is best, as this insect hates it. If you spray the plant more often you will avoid it.

Another pest is mealybugs, They are usually placed behind the leaves or on the stems. They cause the leaves to turn yellow but in spots, especially in the veins, and it spreads. The way to remove them is with a cotton pad with alcohol to remove them one by one from the plant and treat it with this same remedy for at least 8 days.


In the case of multiplication, you can carry it out two different ways: by seeds or by division of the plant.

By seeds

If you choose to plant your own Asparagus densiflorusyou should always do it at the beginning of spring.

When you plant them you must place the pot or seedbed in a shaded area and cover it with an opaque cloth. Check that the soil remains moist and, only when you see that the seeds begin to germinate, you should remove that cloth.

Keep it for a couple of days even in the shade and then take it to more illuminated areas. When you notice that they are strong, you can transplant them into small pots (if you have not done so from the beginning).

By division

If you have a Asparagus densiflorus large, you can divide it into smaller plants. It is true that they are easier to reproduce than seeds. But they have a drawback, and that is that they slow down in their growth.

Even so, if you want to carry it out, we recommend that you always do this division in spring.


Sensitive to cold and frost.

Enjoy your Asparagus densiflorus ? .

How do you care for Asparagus densiflorus?

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