How to make a leafy poto

Potho is a fast-growing climber

Image – Flickr / Forest and Kim Starr

The pothos is one of the most beloved climbers to decorate the interior of a home. It has heart-shaped leaves, green and whitish-yellow, and Although it does not produce showy flowers, that does not mean that it cannot be used to have a more beautiful house or apartment..

Also, you have to know that it is one of the favorites for those who do not have much experience caring for plants, since it needs very little care to be perfect. However, how to make a leafy poto? Sometimes we can be left with few leaves, especially if it has suffered from a plague or has not been watered well, how can we get it to produce a large number of them?

Repot it (if necessary)

The potos is a climbing plant

It is often thought that a plant that is in a pot that has already outgrown it is going to put out more leaves than another that is in a pot in which it still has enough space to continue growing. Big mistake. It is true that when it is transplanted the first thing that its roots begin to do is grow, and for a while it is possible that we will not see any new leaves, but once it finishes overcoming the transplant, it will produce them again. Sure.

In fact, when you choose never to transplant a plant, regardless of what it is, in the end it will end up weakening. The lack of space can become a cause of death of any crop, That is why we must transplant our pothos a couple of times or threeevery time the roots come out through the drainage holes of the pot, or every time it has been in the pot for 4 years or more. We will put universal growing substrate that you can buy here! or one for green plants, so it can grow.

Pay it from time to time

It is important to pay the pothos from spring to summer, since this is when it is growing. Since we want it to be leafy, we will do it with a liquid green plant fertilizer (on sale here!), since its effectiveness is rapid and, in addition, it has the necessary nutrients for it to take out leaves and for them to be healthy and have their natural color, such as nitrogen (N). Nitrogen is involved in plant growth, so it is essential for them.

But yes: follow the indications specified on the product packagingsince otherwise we would run the risk of exceeding the dose recommended by the manufacturer and, as a consequence, the pothos would suffer serious damage, such as the death of the roots due to excess fertilizer.

Clean the leaves of your pothos

The pothos can be seen leafy

Image – Wikimedia/Asabengurtza

It may seem to you that cleaning has nothing to do with the production of leaves of the plant, but in reality it does have an influence. Think that it is the leaves that carry out photosynthesis, and therefore, thanks to them, the pothos can grow and produce new ones. But if dust accumulates, it covers them and prevents them from doing their job normally.

Therefore, you should dust it once a week or every few days with a dry brush or cloth. You can also use rainwater or distilled water, but not one that has a lot of lime, otherwise the grains will remain on the leaf and in the end it will be as if you replaced the powder with lime.

Pruning: yes or no?

When you want a tree to have a leafy crown, you often choose to trim the branches a bit so that new ones can sprout, but do you do the same with pothos? This is a herbaceous plant, which therefore has green and relatively tender stems (especially when compared to the woody branches of shrubs and trees), so we will proceed in a different but quite similar way.

Let me explain: more than a pruning itself, what we will do will be pinched; that is, cut a little the stems that we see that are growing with more force. We will count 2-3 pairs of leaves from the tip to the back, and we will cut above the third or fourth by with scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol or dishwashing soap.

Do you want it to have many more leaves? A trick to achieve this is by applying a revitalizing agent. It’s very easy to do it, which is a spray whose content you have to direct precisely to the leaves. You will begin to see its effectiveness after two or three days, so you will not have to wait almost anything to make your pothos look lush.

As you can see, it is not difficult to get your climber to have many leaves. Sometimes it is just a matter of having a little patience, although that is not always necessary if we use the right products. Enjoy your precious plant.

And if you still don’t have it, get it by clicking here!.

How to make a leafy poto

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