Potted jujube | Gardening On

Potted jujube

Originally from China, the jujube It is a fruit tree little known to many that bears a sweet fruit called Chinese date. However, this little tree can also be grown in other countries, either on the ground or having a potted jujube.

But how to take care of it in a pot? Does it stand the same? What if you want to transplant it? If you have never heard of this tree before and now your curiosity has piqued, here are the keys so that you know everything you need about its care.

How to care for a potted jujube

How to care for a potted jujube

The jujube is a very hardy tree. It is capable of adapting to any climate and environment in which you place it that it will always stay alive (unless some disease or plague makes it sick). In Spain adapts well to cold, temperate and hot climatesAlthough it is not a tree that is very popular, like its fruits, the jujubes. Even so, more and more people are beginning to know it and, for this, here are the keys to having a potted jujube.

Location and temperature

You have to bear in mind that the jujube, although it adapts to any climate, originally comes from China, where it is not as hot as in other countries. So the experts determine that, if the area where you are going to put the potted jujube exceeds 45 degreesIt is better to consider another type of tree because it will not tolerate so much heat.

As for the cold, it has to do a lot for the plant to suffer, so it is also viable (except very, very cold winters). In those cases, you can put it away until the worst happens and then take it out again.

The location of the jujube must be outside. The tree needs sunlight to cover part of its needs. So, whenever possible, put it in full sun.


It is important that you provide a land that is very nutritious but, at the same time, that it has a good drainage system. The roots of the jujube are quite large and dense, which is why, on the ground, these types of trees are usually planted at a distance of at least 3 meters between them.

In a pot, the jujube will not be able to find nutrients by itself, but you have to provide them yourself, hence you should always use soils with organic matter and a good drainage system.

Of course, we must warn you that, due to its condition, it is capable of adapting to any environment that you give it, be it an enriched or dry, poor, saline …


Watering is one of the activities that gives us the most fear when it comes to caring for a plant, and it would not be less in a potted jujube. When you have it in the planted garden, it is normal for you to help yourself from the rain to water it, but in a pot this is more complicated.

However, you should know that the jujube you do not need to be conscientious in watering. In other words, if you forget to water it, it will hold. If it dries up, it can stay alive for a while.

This means that it does not need constant watering, although it does need regular watering, but if you forget, you will not find the plant withered.

Now, it is not advisable to do without watering. You will need it regularly, especially if you want it to develop the fruits in spring and summer. In winter you can water 1-2 times a week, depending on the area in which you live. In summer, you have to increase based on needs and temperature, but between 3 and 5 times a week.


The jujube does not need fertilizer, but if you want to help it produce fruit, you can use fertilizers with organic matter, they are the best.


You should know that the jujube in general is slow growing, therefore, in a pot the jujube will not grow very fast and that implies that you do more maintenance pruning, in case some branch deviates or hinders others.

Always do it at the end of winter so that the frosts do not affect the interior of the tree through the cuts.


Do you think the potted jujube can not reproduce? Well, you are wrong because you can. One of the easiest ways to do this is through the suckers from the base, separating them from this and causing them to develop roots to have a new plant. Another equally easy way is through cuttings, although these must be in summer.

Lastly, you also have the seeds. Although, being slow-growing, this will mean that the tree takes a long time to reach a showiness.

How to plant a jujube

How to plant a jujube

When plant a potted jujube you should take into account the following:

  • Prepare the pot. We recommend that it be a large one so that you do not have to be transplanting it every two by three because it grows (although it is slow growing, in the end you will have to change it). Try to keep it wide and long.
  • Next, add a base of drainage material. You can also make a drainage mixture with organic matter so that the soil does not become caked.
  • Sow the seed, cutting, or suckers in the ground. You can add a sandy compost to help it set more easily. In addition, you must cover with mulch that provides moisture and nourishes it well.
  • The first days you should have it in a semi-shady area, if possible where there is little wind. After a few days you can place it in a place with a lot of sun.

Can a potted jujube be transplanted into the ground?

Can a potted jujube be transplanted into the ground?

Over the years, the potted jujube will grow, and that will mean that, at certain times, it will need more space, that is, a larger pot.

However, you can consider the idea of ​​planting it directly on the ground. It can? Yes, but keep in mind that it has been living in a pot for a while, which will have made is one size smaller than normal. This does not mean that it will become “dwarf”, but that it may take a while to grow as a specimen planted directly in the ground.

The substrate needs will be the same as those of a pot if you want to nourish it well, although it grips well in any type of soil. Of course, make sure that in a radius of 3 meters there is nothing that the roots can break or become entangled.

As you can see, the potted jujube is possible, you could even have jujubes to eat. You just have to give it time to get the tree to develop. Have you ever had experience with this tree?

Potted jujube | Gardening On

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