Tree heather care | Gardening On

tree heather care

The arboreal heather, also known as white heather, Tree heather, calluna vulgaris, etc. It is one of the evergreen shrubs that we most appreciate in gardens because its flowering does not occur exactly in summer, but rather in autumn. However, do you know the tree heather care?

If you want to have this shrub in your home and take care of it in the best possible way, then below we give you all the keys that you must know to cover all its needs and that, in return, it offers you an incredible vision in your garden.

Heather characteristics

Heather characteristics

First of all you should know that the arboreal heather comes from Europe, North Africa and America. It is a shrub that does not grow much, normally up to 50cm, although if it is can reach 5 meters in height. Its leaves are evergreen, that is, they last all year. In addition, its flowering occurs in the months of October.

Because it has so many branches, all upturned and reddish-brown, the flowers are going to be abundant. These will be in purple pink and are distributed in the shape of a cluster.

Tree heather care

Tree heather care

Now that you know a little more about the arboreal heather, it is time to give you the keys so that you can have it at home and it does not wilt in a matter of days or weeks. It’s a very resistant shrub, so do not be afraid to have it in your garden, or to think that you are going to forget about its care. And what are these? We detail them.


Let’s start with the best area where the arboreal heather should be. You should know that white heather is a plant that he likes the sun a lot, but if it is too intense or too hot, you don’t appreciate it. So depending on what area you live in, you can put it in full sun.

If the climate you have is not suitable, you can consider putting it in semi-shade or directly in shade.

Although the plant is outdoors, you can have it indoors, but its location is important. We recommend that you place it well away from the heating. You will notice if it is very close because the leaves will begin to fall. Also, put it in a place where it gets a lot of sun.


From what we have said above, you will know that it does not tolerate high temperatures well, and in those cases you have to protect it from it to avoid burning the leaves or suffering. However, the same is not the case with frost.

They can tolerate them much better, as long as they are not very long, since, as you know, they can damage the plant.

Flowerpot, yes or no?

The arboreal heather is a shrub that tolerates well being on the ground or in a pot. That is, you can have it however you want. Now, to do so, it is important to cover the land needs that are going to nourish it.

Another important aspect, and in this case related to the pot, is that the best ones are the plastic ones. Yes, as you read. The reason is simple, and it is that these tend to retain moisture much better than if you put one made of clay, ceramic or clay.


One of the main characteristics of the soil for the white Erica is that it must be very draining. It does not like rough floors. The best is one soil that has an acidic pH such as a mixture of peat moss and sand.


The arboreal heather does not need abundant watering, a moderate one is more than enough. Keep in mind that it tolerates drought much better than if you flood it, since you will rot its roots.

Experts advise that water only when you notice that the substrate is dry. It is recommended that you use soft, lime-free water. And a little trick for the plant to flourish more is that, in the growing season, you do keep the soil moist (not wet).

White heather care


The tree heather fertilizer it is done in two stages. The first takes place at the beginning of the growing season, which coincides with the beginning of spring). The second time it is paid is at the end of the summer.

We recommend that you always fertilize with mulch or natural compost. Organic compost is also useful.


If your plant has grown a lot and you have to move it to a larger pot, or directly to the ground, always consider doing it in spring or fall. Be guided by the rain. That is, when you see that there is more abundance of rain and that the temperature is still high (but pleasant) it will be the perfect time to do it.

Of course, be careful with the land you use (follow what we have told you before).


If you want the white heather to be always in perfect condition, and also to look good, pruning has to be one of the care that you should not forget. Ideally, you can after flowering. We cannot tell you exactly in which month, because it will depend on each plant, but it does bloom from late summer / early fall, until almost all winter. Which means that it would be at the end of winter and early spring that you should do it.

If you have it in a pot, the pruning time is the same, but it is recommended that, between the months of May to September, you take it outside since at that time it is the more it will need the sun so that later the flowering takes place out in the most fruitful way.

Plagues and diseases

Of the arboreal heather you should know that it has a high resistance and an easy cultivation. Why do we tell you this? Well, because it hardly has a problem with diseases and pests. In fact, there is no review in which they tell us which are the most common, so if the bush begins to decline, it is most likely because there is some care that you are not doing it well.


Finally, if you want to multiply the Erica arborea then you should know that it is done in two different ways:

  • By seedssowing them in spring. These can be obtained from the plants themselves when they bloom.
  • By cuttings, choosing the young shoots that are at the end of the summer and planting them. In this case, you have to protect them from the cold since, being still very small and weak, they may not spend the winter well.

Now you know what care you have to give to the arboreal heather.

Tree heather care | Gardening On

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