Pilea depressa: A very decorative plant thanks to its leaves

shrub called pilea that looks dry

Surely the pile up quickly It will be a plant that you will like very much and you will want to have in your home or garden. Do you usually have a special taste and inexplicable fascination for plants that are low-growing and related to succulents?

Today we will be talking to you and giving you some interesting facts about this species, which it is just one of the many variations that exist around the world. Although this in particular tends to be seen more frequently in Latin American countries than in another part of the world.

General data of the pile up quickly

lovely full of green leaves in pot

But still, you don’t have to worry about the origin of this plantas it has the ability to adapt to multiple environments. Just stay until the end to know much of the information you have to know and thus give a long and prosperous life to this plant if you want to have one for yourself.

As mentioned in the first paragraph, the pile up quickly It is a low-growing plant, which is an ornamental species and has climbing characteristics. This one in particular is native to Brazil and Mexico. But as with the vast majority of ornamental plants, it is currently cultivated and distributed throughout the world.

Has the ability to adapt to outdoor environmentsas well as the interiors of a house or apartment. The most common is that it is kept in hanging potssince the shape of this species is more attractive when it is kept in a high place and hanging.

Notably belongs to the family of Urticaceaeis of the genre Pilea and it has different names that have been given to it according to the culture and the place in which they are found. Among some of the names by which it is known, we can have:

  • Little tears
  • Baby tears
  • The bright and creeping Charlie
  • The giant baby’s tears

An interesting fact is that you are starting in this world and want to place one in your garden, you should know that this species covers about 35 or 700 different speciessuch as The bed sheet or the chinese money plant. The vast majority of them have the ability to generate showy flowers. In addition, they are extremely inexpensive species if you don’t know how to grow them and decide to buy them.


image of some green leaves of a plant called pilea

Growth place

In the previous section it was commented that the plant is native to Brazil and Mexicobut currently it is, like other species of the same family are being widely cultivated in countries such as Australia and New Zealand.

If you wonder why this happens, it must be said that the pile up quickly Needs and prefers tropical or subtropical climates and areas. But as such, it is cultivated throughout the same, mainly those countries or areas that are closer to the Caribbean.

Foliage and stem

Regarding the foliage and stem of the plant, it should be noted that has a very bright green foliagealthough its leaves are quite small. But this is not a problem, since the number of leaves that the plant generates is quite large.

The stem unlike other species that grows upwards, in this case it goes down. It is for this reason that people are recommended to put the plant in a pot and hang it, in this way being able to appreciate the true beauty of the species.

But even though the stem grows downward, it has the characteristics of a climbing plant. So if you do it right you can have the plant distributed as you prefer and according to the structure that you have provided.


It is fact that anyone wants to have a plant that maintains its green color for most of the year and that it does not lose its shine. Luckily the pile up quickly has these characteristics and it will always keep its foliage green, bright and very pretty throughout the year.


Plants stack quickly they are very low growing. The maximum they can grow is only 10 cm long. In the same way, it has the capacity to extend in a diameter of 5 cm. Although if it is given the necessary care, the plant can grow up to a meter in height and can expand up to 40 cm in width.

Temperature tolerance

Thanks to the fact that it is a plant that grows very well in tropical and subtropical environments and areas, you can have it in a place with a warm atmosphere. On the other hand, if the environment in which you have it has too many fluctuations or there are constant changes in temperature, this can be a negative factor It will affect the growth of the plant.

So that keeping the plant indoors turns out to be the best option in these and other similar cases. In addition, it is more practical to have it within reach and sight in order to give it the maintenance and care it needs.

Tolerance to humidity

The plants they are very fond of humidity and they appreciate the extra efforts in terms of humidity in their environment. You can spray the plant from time to time or put it in a pebble tray filled with water. Install an indoor humidifier It can also be a good idea if you are very dedicated.


Luckily, this is one of the many species that has the ability to generate flowers. These are too small to be seen from afar and their color is white, which have a star shape. It should be noted that flowering occurs in late spring. But do not get carried away by the flowers since they are not a big thing, what stands out the most are their leaves.


shrub that can be found in the soils called Pilea depressa


Although it has characteristics of succulents, in addition to growing in tropical environments, needs a medium watering. That is, instead of watering them only once a week, you will have to do it 3 times a week during the summer and only once a week during winter times.

To guide yourself and know when to water, follow the rule of keeping the humidity of the top layer of soil of the plant at 50%. Yes indeed, during the fall you will have to wait for the earth to dry completely to do the watering.

Light and Shade

Since it is a plant that you can have both outdoors and indoors, you know that if you have it under constant shade, you have to have it in a place where the shadow or glow is bright.

Of course, it is very important that you keep it away from direct sunlight. But also you can have it under artificial fluorescent light if you wish. In case you see that its leaves darken, the plant is indicating that it is receiving too much sun and needs you to put it in a shady place.

Pilea depressa: A very decorative plant thanks to its leaves

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