Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)

View of mullein, a herbaceous plant

The plant known as mullein It is an herb that, when it blooms, stands out from the rest with incredible ease; not surprisingly, its flower stalk can reach up to 2 meters in height, and the rosette of leaves rarely exceeds 20cm!

In addition to these amazing characteristics and others that I am going to tell you about below, you should know that it has very interesting medicinal properties for health. For that also you are going to learn how to grow it in your garden or in a pot; in this way, you can benefit from it in your home.

Origin and characteristics

The mullein flower is yellow

Our protagonist, called verbasco or mullein, it is a biennial herb (that is to say, that during the first year it germinates and grows, and during the second it flowers, bears fruit and dies) whose scientific name is Mullein thapsus. It is native to Europe, Western Asia, Africa, North America, and the Himalayas.

The leaves grow in a basal rosette up to 50cm long, and are oval lanceolate, alternate, and covered by a white or silver fuzz. The flower stalk emerges during the spring following germination, reaching a height of 1 to 2 meterscomposed of a dense cluster of yellow flowers.

The fruit is an ovoid capsule of about 6mm that is split in two, and contains numerous brown seeds of less than 1mm in diameter.

What are their cares?

If you want to have a copy, and if you have read or are going to read its uses, it is likely that you will 😉, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:


It is a plant that you have to place outsideif possible in an area where it is directly exposed to the sun. It can also grow well in partial shade, but only if it receives a minimum of 4h / light.


The Verbascum thapsus is a herbaceous plant

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Forest & Kim Starr

  • Flower pot: with universal growing medium (such as this) it will be OK.
    Choose one that is wide, at least 45cm in diameter, so that it can develop well.
  • Earth: is not demanding, but prefers fertile ones and those with good drainage. In the event that yours is not, make a planting hole of about 40 x 40cm, cover its interior with a shading mesh, and then fill it with the previously mentioned substrate (universal).


The frequency of irrigation will vary greatly throughout the year. In summer it will be time to water very oftensince the soil or substrate dries quickly; On the other hand, during the rest of the year it will be moderate to low, especially if you live in an area where it rains regularly.

Thus, and bearing in mind that mullein does not like to have wet “feet” but not dry either, the best thing you can do, at least for a while, is to check the humidity of the soil before watering. To do this, simply insert a thin wooden stick (if when you extract it you see that a lot has adhered to it, do not water), or using a digital humidity meter.

Anyway, when in doubt, you should know that it is watered an average of 3-4 times a week during the hottest season, and 1-2 times a week the rest.


From early spring to late summer it is advisable to pay using Organic fertilizersLike guano, herbivorous animal manure or compost for example.

If you grow it in a pot, use liquid fertilizers following the instructions specified on the package.


View of the flowering stem of the mullein

Mullein multiplies by seeds in springfollowing this step by step:

  1. First, a seedling tray is filled (like this one that you can buy here!) with universal growing substrate.
  2. Then, it is watered consciously.
  3. Next, a maximum of two seeds are sown in each socket.
  4. Afterwards, they are covered with a thin layer of substrate.
  5. Finally, it is watered again, this time with a sprayer, and the tray is placed outside, in full sun.

In this way, they will germinate in a week.


It does not need it, but if you remove the dry leaves it will look better 🙂.

Planting or transplanting time

In spring. If you have it in a pot, you have to transplant it every time roots grow out of the drainage holes.

Plagues and diseases

It’s very tough. Maybe some snail or slug, but nothing you can’t repel with these Home Remedies.


It resists frosts of up to -12ºCso don’t worry about the cold! 😉

What uses does it have?

The mullein plant is medicinal


Although it is an herb, it has a certain decorative value that cannot be ignored. So if you like gardens or patios decorated in a rustic style, you cannot miss the mullein.


It has these:

  • Dyes: as expectorant and mucolytic. Also to quit smoking.
  • Flores: to dye hair blonde.
  • Poultice leaves: against hemorrhoids.

And with this we are done. What did you think of the mullein? Have you heard of him?

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)

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