
When and how to sow cocoa beans?

Image – Flickr / Arthur Chapman How are cocoa beans sown? Well, it’s very easy, since with a pot and a good substrate, without forgetting of course a watering can with water, we can get some specimens of this tree. But if we want someone to reach adulthood … things get complicated. So to have […]

Black Labyrinth (Phillyrea latifolia)

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Phillyrea latifolia It is a tree that can be used as a protection hedge as a potted plant. As it remains evergreen, also during the summer it provides a very pleasant shade, so you will surely be able to enjoy it a lot. What’s more, does not require […]

Aliso (Alnus glutinosa)

Today we are going to talk about a fairly long-lived tree that comes from the deciduous forests of northern Europe and Asia. It is about the alder or alno. The scientific name is glutinous alnus and it belongs to the Betulaceae family where there are more than 30 tree and shrub species. The area of […]

Calendula arvensis

Surely you have never heard of a plant with this name, Calendula arvensis. However, when I tell you the properties and uses of it, it sure sounds like you and you know what it is. Its common name is margarita. It is a plant known practically worldwide. It comes from Eurasia and, in most cases, […]

Japanese Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda)

Image – Flickr / Tanaka Juyooh The plants of the East fascinate me, I admit it. But there are some that have a very vigorous growth, so much so that if you want to plant in the ground it is only recommended to have them in spacious gardens. One of them is the floribunda wisteriaa […]

Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The species Berberis thunbergii It is one of the most grateful that exist: it resists pruning very well, and as it has small leaves it can even work as bonsai, or give it the shape you want. It is also excellent to decorate the balcony or terrace, for example […]

Dracaena marginata (Dracaena reflexa var. Angustifolia)

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang It is one of the most common plants in nurseries, and no wonder: its beauty and easy cultivation make it a very interesting species to grow both inside and, if the climate is warm, outside. We are talking of course about the Dracaena marginataa shrub-tree with bicolor […]

Whitehead (Acacia farnesiana)

Image – Wikimedia / Mike When living in an area where it is very hot in summer and where this season also coincides with the dry season, it is highly recommended to look for plants that are capable of living well in those conditions, not only to care, even indirectly, when environment and the resources […]

Caladium (Caladium)

Plants of the genus Caladium They have the peculiarity of having very, very showy and cheerful colored leaves. In addition, although in the wild they can measure up to 90 centimeters, in cultivation they rarely exceed half a meter. The main drawback is that due to their origin they are extremely sensitive to cold, which […]

Hamamelis virginiana

Today we are going to talk about a plant to which magical properties are attributed for being healing and very effective. Its about hamamelis virginiana. It is a shrub with a woody, monoecious character, which is capable of reaching between 2 and 7 meters in height. Its fluffy gray bark is quite curious. It belongs […]

Crown (Coronilla glauca)

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Ghislain1 The Glaucous crown it is a perfect shrub to surprise. It is one of those that, due to its green leaves, go unnoticed, but when it blooms it is quite a spectacle, since it is covered almost completely with beautiful yellow flowers. In addition, it resists high temperatures well […]

Agave (Agave parryi)

agave parryi, mezcal or penca belongs to the group of plants characteristic of northern Mexico and southwestern United States. The extreme and variable climate of this semi-desert or desert area makes this species very resistant to cold or heat. The plants in these habitats, including the Arizona desert, are of a rustic appearance and beauty […]

Japan spirea (Spiraea japonica)

If you need a deciduous shrub that produces lots of pink or white flowers and is easy to care for, you will find few like it. Spiraea japonica. Not only is it beautiful, but it also resists intense frosts, so it can be had in temperate climates without problems. It has a growth rate that […]

Buckthorn (Frangula alnus)

The cluster It is a plant that, in addition to being found in forests with acidic or neutral soils in Europe, is great to have in gardens or on patios and terraces. It doesn’t grow much; in fact, it does not usually exceed 6 meters in height, but it can be maintained at 3 meters […]

Japan Privet (Japanese privet)

Some shrubs come in handy to increase the density of our garden. It is not only important to have showy flowers, but they must also be combined with the embrace of a larger bush that covers them. Today we are going to talk about a shrub whose uniqueness makes it widely used. It is the […]

Epilobium (Epilobium parviflorum)

The Epilobium parviflorum It is a very beautiful herb, but it also has properties that are medicinal, that is, you can have, for example, in a pot a very good ally for your health. And all without giving it too much care! Its growth rate is fast; in fact, in a few months you will […]

Autumn sage (Salvia greggii)

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang The Sage flocks It is a very interesting herbaceous plant to have in the gardens and / or in the patios of homes with a warm-temperate climate. Its height rarely exceeds one meter, and its flowers can be of various colors, from red to white. Also, it […]


Today we are going to talk about two well-known and sustainable trees that belong to the genus Celts. The first is Southern Celts and the second Western Celts. These two species of trees are used as ornamental trees for parks and gardens. Although generally slow growing, they are perfect for shade, good landscaping, and changing […]

Chickweed plant (Stellaria media)

Image – Wikimedia Commons When we go to a field or a forest, it usually happens that we do not stop to observe the plants that give it life, but we simply limit ourselves to enjoy nature. But there are many that are very interesting to know, such as the chickweed plant. Why? Well, there […]

Cypress (Cupressus)

The cypress It is a conifer widely used in gardens, and there are many reasons: it tolerates pruning very well, resists frost, does not usually have pests or important diseases … If it receives the necessary care, it is a most interesting option for decorating lots in general, and also terraces and balconies. There are […]

Mediterranean honeysuckle (Lonicera implexa)

Today we have to talk about a plant that flourishes in our territories. It’s about the mediterranean honeysuckle. Its scientific name is lonicera implexa and it is also known by other common names such as leggings and dedications of the Virgin for its curious shape. It is a type of shrub that has an evergreen […]

Cerval rockrose (Cistus populifolius)

The Poplar box is a plant also known as’Jara macho’whose scientific name obeys for the reason that its leaves are similar to those of the poplar. Of them we have to say that it grows by others in acidic and poor soils. This plant also usually shares its environment or habitat with other species within […]

Gorse (Ulex)

Image – Wikimedia / PaleCloudedWhite The Furze They are shrubs that produce very beautiful flowers as you can see in the image, which depending on the species can withstand intense frosts, and which, in addition, their cultivation in pots is really simple since they do not exceed three meters in height. So, taking all this […]

Utricularia graminifolia

Image – Wikimedia / fischerman There are several types of carnivorous plants: some are very visible, such as sarracenia, but there are others that are not so visible, as is the case with our protagonist. Its scientific name is Utricularia graminifoliaand it is one of those that go unnoticed with great ease. It is typical […]

May Rose (Hibiscus mutable)

The Hibiscus changeable it is a perennial species belonging to the Malvaceae family. It is easy to growboth inside the house and in the garden. Beautiful for its pleasant combination of colors that make the environment more cheerful and colorful. Its large green leaves recreate a tropical effect that is enhanced during flowering. Its small […]

truffles dropped

Image – Flickr / LennyWorthington There are many herbs that produce beautiful flowers, as is the case with the species truffles dropped. Although it is annual, that is, it germinates, grows, blooms, bears fruit and dies in just one year, it is interesting to have it as a potted plant on the terrace or in […]


Plants of the genus Ivy They are known as ivy and their care is very basic, very simple. In fact, they can be had both inside the home and outside, whether in the garden, balcony or terrace. Its growth rate is quite fast, which does not have to worry because whenever you consider it necessary […]

Fan (Atriplex)

Atriplex confertifoliaImage – Wikimedia / Matt Lavin Plants of the genus atriplex They are highly variable: between 100 and 200 species of herbs and shrubs have been described, which are very tolerant to salt, so much so that they are often used a lot to reforest places such as deserts or coastal areas. Of course, […]

anthemis arvensis

Today we are going to talk about a wild plant that has medicinal properties and is quite well known. It’s about the Anthemis arvensis. Its common name is chamomile or bastard daisy and it is a well-known variety used for the treatment of numerous ailments. This plant should not be confused with common chamomile or […]

Begonia rex

There are plants that stand out for their beauty and their ability to increase decoration in any room. Either because of their exotic shape or their bright and strong colors, they are plants that stand out as soon as you look at them. That is the case of the Begonia rex. It is nicknamed as […]

Golden bells (Forsythia intermedia)

The Intermediate Forsythia It is an ornamental plant that lights up the garden with its sun-colored flowers from the beginning of spring, this being a shrubby plant native to East Asia. This is a deciduous plant with a bushy habit composed of numerous semi-woody stems, with various branches. The long, rough branches with grayish-brown barkas […]

King Protea (Protea cynaroides)

Image – Flickr / berniedup The Protea cynaroides It is a very decorative tropical shrub that can be grown both in a pot and in the garden. Its magnificent compound flowers are an excuse to feel much happier, since they are very, very colorful and cheerful. Its maintenance, I will not fool you, it is […]


Plants of the genus barberry They are very ornamental shrubs, which can be had practically in any corner of the garden, patio or terrace with the certainty of knowing that it will be difficult for them to get sick. In fact, they are not only quite resistant to pests and diseases, but they also endure […]

What is the climate of the maple?

Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ // Image – Wikimedia / TeunSpaans When you want to buy a plant, whatever it is, it is necessary to know its rusticity, since otherwise we would run the risk of spending money in vain. Some of the most popular trees in cultivation are those of the Acer genus, which is made […]

White nettle (Lamium album)

The lamium album is commonly known as white nettle. It has also been used in the production of natural and industrial medicines due to its multiple properties. From the ornamental point of view, its cultivation draws a lot of attention in gardening. The size of this plant is ideal for growing in pots and produces […]

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)

The plant known as mullein It is an herb that, when it blooms, stands out from the rest with incredible ease; not surprisingly, its flower stalk can reach up to 2 meters in height, and the rosette of leaves rarely exceeds 20cm! In addition to these amazing characteristics and others that I am going to […]

Thyme (Thymus)

The Thymus They are a very interesting genus of plants, highly recommended to have in the garden or, better yet, in the kitchen window. Its maintenance is simple, since they only require a few waterings a week and small pruning called pinching simply to control their growth. It is possible that the scientific name does […]

Lamps (Aristolochia baetica)

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Daniel Chapel If you live or have been visiting the fields of Spain or Africa, it is likely that you have seen an herb with some curious flowers called technically Aristolochia baeticaand popularly as lamps. It is a really decorative evergreen climber that does not need much care and also […]

Bolivian Begonia (Begonia boliviensis)

The begonia boliviensis It is a plant that definitely does not go unnoticed. Its appearance and multiple flowers adorn the spaces with their indescribable beauty. The shape of the flowers together with the striking red and white colors make the eye recreate with this plant capable of enchanting everyone. Sowing a Begonia boliviensis to decorate […]

Hornbill (Calathea lancifolia)

The Calathea lancifolia it is a typically tropical plant. Using it in gardening inevitably evokes an exotic landscape. The shape of its leaves is very peculiar due to its size, robustness and spear shape.. The Indians of South America used this plant as a building material to reinforce the roof of their houses. This plant […]

Phlomis purpurea

Today we are going to talk about a rustic plant that is quite resistant to changes in temperature and other environmental factors. Its about Matagallo His scientific name is phlomis purpurea and it is nicknamed this name because its shape is very similar to the crest of a rooster. It has other common names such […]

Lipia (Lippia nodiflora)

The Lippia nodiflora It is a herbaceous perennial plant, also known as Bella Carpet or simply Lipia. It belongs to the Verbenaceae familyis characterized by its small size and rapid growth. Because it is a upholstery plant it is great to replace the classic lawn. Some animals even use it as a source of nutrients […]

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)

There are herbaceous plants that, although at first they seem too common to us, when you get to know them they surprise you … and for the better, as is the case with Agrimony eupatoria. This plant, which is easily found anywhere in Spain, produces very decorative flowers, and also has an ideal height to […]

Rue, a very complete medicinal plant

The Route graveolensbetter known as Brownis a small herbaceous plant with a bushy shape with numerous medicinal properties. So much so, that several songwriters and songwriters have cited it in their poems, naming it the “Herb of Grace.” Its relatively easy maintenance, in addition to its resistance to cold and its small size, make it […]

Meadow sage (Salvia pratensis)

The saga talksis It is a very interesting plant, able to withstand frost that becomes really beautiful during the summer. As it also does not grow much, it can be kept in a pot without problems throughout its life, or if you prefer in the garden where the sun shines directly. It does not usually […]

Japan honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)

Today we are going to talk about another kind of honeysuckle which also has various uses in gardening and is quite well known. It is the honeysuckle of Japan. Its scientific name is japonica lonicera and it is also known by other common names such as Japanese honeysuckle and sweet honeysuckle. It is a type […]

Willow (Salix)

The Salix They are plants that, in general, take up a lot of space. But their size and beauty is such that when they are kept in large gardens they are an authentic natural wonder. The problem is when they are grown, perhaps out of ignorance or on a whim, in confined spaces: as they […]

Cattail (Typha)

There is a plant located on the banks of rivers and lakes that has become a familiar image, being a tall spike with a characteristic cylindrical formation that is often drawn in the mind when imagining marshy landscapes. This plant is the Typhaalso known by the names of Cattail, cattail, cattail gladio or cattail. Features […]

Snake garlic (Allium roseaum)

The allium roseaum It is a perennial plant of the Amaryllidaceae family, this being a small species of dry meadows, rocky gardens and cultivated places. It is native to the Mediterranean regions. Its flowering occurs from late spring to early summer. It is for ornamental use, highly appreciated although rare, in some countries such as […]

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