Banana tree (Platanus)

View of banana trees

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Tiago Fioreze

As part of the urban flora, the occasional variety of banana treewhich are very large and very beautiful trees. But the truth is that they are also great garden plants, as long as they are kept in the right place.

And it is that choosing a bad location is a mistake that, sooner or later, will bring us problems, since to be able to enjoy them in good conditions it is important to know its characteristics. So let’s get to it.

Origin and characteristics

The trunk of the Platanus orientalis is thick

Image – Wikimedia / Jean-Pol GRANDMONT

Shipping is deciduous trees belonging to the genus Platanus, which is composed of seven species of the more than 40 that have been described. They are popularly known as plantain or banana trees, and are native to Asia, and from Canada to Guatemala in America. They are also found in Argentina and Chile.

They can reach impressive heights, of more than 30 meters, with a thick trunk of up to 2m in diameter.with mottled bark. The leaves are simple, alternate, palmatifolias with 3-7 lobes. The flowers are small, unisexual, inconspicuous, and are grouped in panicular inflorescences. The fruit is formed by achenes, and acquires a globose shape.

Main species of banana

Of the seven there are, the most popular are:

Plane tree x acerifolia

The Platanus x acerifolia is large

Image – Wikimedia / UiiAhlvers

Also known by its synonyms Platanus acerifolia or Platanus hispanica, it is the so-called shadow plane. It reaches a height of up to 50 meters, with a very wide canopy of up to 10m.

It is hybrid of oriental plane tree y American sycamore.

oriental plane tree

View of the Platanus orientalis

Image – Flickr / elkost

Known as the oriental banana, it is native to Eurasia. It reaches a height of more than 30 meters, with a wide and more or less branched crown.

What are their cares?

If you want to have a banana tree, we advise you to take care of it as follows:


Being large trees, they must be planted in wide spaces. In addition, it must be borne in mind that its roots can cause damage, so they must be at a minimum distance of 10 meters from pipes, floors, walls, etc.


  • the garden: accept any type of soil.
  • Flower pot: use universal growing medium, but think that sooner or later you will have to put them in the ground.


At first, with three irrigations a week during the hottest season and every 4 or 5 days the rest of the year, they will do well. But if, for example, you live in a very hot and dry area, you will have to water it a little more often to prevent it from drying out, as it does not withstand drought.


In spring and summer You can add a little compost to your banana tree once a month. A layer of about 5cm thick of compost, manure or guano mixed with the most superficial layer of the earth and that’s it.


The leaves of the Platanus are large

Image – Wikimedia / Liné1

The banana multiplies by seeds in spring. The step by step to follow is as follows:

  1. First, a pot must be filled with universal growing medium.
  2. Then, it is watered consciously.
  3. The seeds are then placed on the surface of the substrate.
  4. They are then covered with a thin layer of substrate.
  5. Finally, the pot is watered and placed outside, in semi-shade or in full sun.

If all goes well, the first seeds will germinate in about a month.


At the end of winter, dry, diseased, weak or broken branches must be removed.. Also, it is a good time to trim those that are getting too long. Use tools previously disinfected with alcohol, and do not forget to put healing paste on the wounds (get it No products found.) in order to avoid infection.

Planting or transplanting time

Whether you want to plant in the garden or if you want move to a bigger pot -something that by the way must be done every two years- you must wait until spring. When temperatures stay above 10ºC, it will be a good time to put it in its final location or in a new container.

Plagues and diseases

They don’t, so you don’t have to worry about that.


It resists well the frosts of up to -18ºC; However, in tropical climates, where the temperature never drops below 0 degrees, they cannot live in conditions. This is because they need to rest in winter to be able to continue growing in spring, and for that it is important that the thermometer falls below zero.

What uses does the banana tree have?

Platanus leaves turn orange in autumn

Basically, are used as ornamental plantseither in gardens or as part of urban trees. They are very resistant to pollution, and are adapted to maritime climates. In fact, I will tell you that on the island of Mallorca, Spain, you usually see many.

Of course, it is important that you know that the seeds are provided with hairs, which can cause irritation to the eyes and neck of people sensitive to allergens.

And with this we are done. What did you think of the Platanus?

Banana tree (Platanus)

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