Crag mallow (Lavatera acerifolia)

two flowers with open petals between green leaves

The laundera aceifolia. It is a species from the Malvaceae family. They have some flowers with bright colors that attract attention the first one that passes by. The Canary Islands is a sector of Spain that has many things to offer, this plant being one of them.

Today we will talk a little about this plant and all the details that compose it. Let’s go for it.


bush full of small pink flowers

This plant is distributed throughout the territory of Gran Canariasfrom Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Gomera. However, in Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and other surrounding areas similar species have also been found. His case is very peculiar, since They usually appear in places where there are cliffs, rocks and a lot of shade. In general he likes to be at an altitude between 200 to 500 meters high and as long as the weather is cool or there will be no inconvenience.

Characteristics of Lavatera acerifolia

The most characteristic of this plant are its magnificent flowers that can go from white to reddish inside. Altitude and shining sun are the main attributes you need to grow in a healthy and constant way. From autumn to mid-spring it usually blooms significantly. Obviously it is the best time to appreciate all its beauty. The other months he loses them to return to the cycle.

Its leaves are less than 10 cm long. The flowers usually appear alone, they have no companions. However, sometimes they have a friend who grows up but in a very shy way.

How does it reproduce?

The way of reproduction of this plant is through the seeds and his favorite time is in spring. If the temperature is 10 to 20 ° in two weeks it is very likely that it will begin to germinate.


This plant is actually very little seen in other regions. You need a very fertile land, with a lot of drainage and enough sun so that it can grow according to the standards that we have of it. The temperate climate does not hurt it much, in fact it can endure several days below zero, although not too many because it could suffer some ailments. In winter for reasons of temperature it is not necessary to water them, however when we get to summer it is imperative that it be done frequently so that it is fully hydrated and can grow without complications.


flower with open petals of a light pink color

You can have this plant in the garden of your home, business or in any other place that is an open space. It is not very big, so it is perfect to decorate your home. When it begins to bloom it is simply wonderful, you will see how everything around you begins to be more harmonious. Definitely having a plant with these colors is a privilege that we all deserve to give ourselves.

There are also cases where has been seen in various nurseries. These businesses sell different flowers and plants to the public who love these products. Of course, seeing the great beauty that this plant has, people immediately decide to take it with them. The laundera aceifolia. it is a very beautiful plant that looks perfect in any garden or even inside the house if it is very small. Although it is recommended for use in gardening for its beautiful aesthetic details. You only have to take into account the elements that we gave you in the previous paragraphs so that it grows solidly.


It is a fairly healthy plant and generally does not suffer from major ailments, beyond a few worms or insects that they can have like any other speciesFor this it is very important that if we decide to grow one we get down to work and monitor the details of the soil and everything around it so that everything runs in order. This is definitely a very interesting plant that is worth studying.

Hopefully with this article we have clarified the doubts you had in the beginning.

Crag mallow (Lavatera acerifolia)

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