Norfolk pine (Araucaria heterophylla)

The Araucaria heterophylla is an imposing conifer

If you like primitive plants and if you have a medium or large garden, I could recommend several species but this time it will be only one: the Araucaria heterophylla. Known as Norfolk pine, it is one of the most impressive and, also, magnificent that you can enjoy in your favorite corner of the home.

The growth rate is slow, something that makes the price high, but you don’t have to worry excessively, because it is one of those species that are beautiful from young 🙂.

Origin and characteristics

View of the leaves of the Araucaria heterophylla

Our protagonist is a conifer endemic to Norfolk Islandin Australia, which belongs to a genus (Araucaria) originating from the Cretaceous (that is, it began its evolution about 145 million years ago).

His scientific name is Araucaria heterophyllaalthough it is known more as Norfolk pine, araucaria excelsa, araucaria de flats, pine de flats, or araucaria. It grows to a height of 70 metersalthough in cultivation the normal thing is that it stays in 20-30m.

Its branches grow horizontally, staggered, and ovate-triangular leaves emerge from them.about 6mm long by 3-6mm wide, green. Male cones are subglobose, 7,5-12,5cm long by 9-15cm thick, with 3-6mm long winged seeds; and the male ones measure 3,5-5cm.

What are their cares?

The Araucaria heterophylla is a very slow growing conifer

Image – Wikimedia / Bertknot from Scarborough, Australia

If you want to have a copy, we recommend you take care of it in the following way:


The Norfolk pine, by its characteristics, It must be outside, in full sun. In order for it to have an excellent development, it must be planted at a distance of 7-10 meters (at least) from paved soils, tall plants, walls, walls, etc.

There are those who have it as an indoor plant, but it does not adapt well to living in these conditions since it needs a lot of (natural) light and to feel the passage of the seasons.


  • the garden: grows in fertile soils, with very good drainage. In the event that the one you have is not like that, first make a hole of at least 50cm x 50cm (ideally 1m x 1m) and fill it with the following mixture: 60% mulch + 30% perlite (or similar substrate, such as arlita, akadama, kiryuzuna, etc.) + 10% worm castings.
  • Flower pot: plant with universal growing substrate mixed with perlite in equal parts. Anyway, you should know that sooner or later it will have to be planted in the ground.


The Araucaria heterophylla From experience I will tell you that it resists drought well, but not waterlogging. Because, so that no problems arise I advise you to check the humidity of the soil before wateringdoing any of these things:

  • Introducing a thin wooden stick: This is the most popular home method. You insert it carefully and, when you remove it, you will see if a lot or little soil has adhered to it. If it has been a lot, do not water because it will still be very wet.
  • Use a digital moisture meter: as soon as you put it in the ground it will tell you how wet it is.
  • Weigh the pot once it is watered and again after a few days: wet soil weighs more than dry soil, so this difference in weight will serve as a guide to know when to water.

Anyway, when in doubt, water about 3 times a week in summer, and every 4-5 days the rest of the year. If you have it in a pot, do not put a plate under it, unless you remember to remove the excess water 20 minutes after watering. Don’t wet the leaves, just the dirt.


Manure guano powder is very good for Araucaria heterophylla

Guano powder.

It is very important not only to water well and when it touches, but also to fertilize it from time to time. With the compost you will not get it to grow fast – it is not in its genes 🙂 – but it does grow healthy. Thus, it is advisable to pay with ecological fertilizersLike guano or compost, once every 15 or 30 days.

Use those that are presented in powder if it is in the garden, or the liquids if, on the contrary, you have it in a pot.


Don’t need it. Maybe remove dry, diseased or weak branches, but that’s it.


Norfolk Pine multiplies by seeds in spring. The way to proceed is as follows:

  1. First, a pot of about 10,5 cm in diameter is filled with universal growing medium.
  2. Then, it is watered consciously.
  3. The seeds are then sown on the surface, and covered with a thin layer of substrate.
  4. Afterwards, it is watered, this time with a sprayer.
  5. Finally, the pot is placed outside, in semi-shade.

If all goes well, they will germinate in 3-5 weeks.

Planting or transplanting time

Is planted late winterwhen the temperature exceeds 15ºC. If it is potted, transplant every 2 or 3 years.


Resists cold and frost up to -7ºC.

What uses does it have?

View of the Araucaria heterophylla in habitat

Image – Wikimedia / Bob Hall from Christchurch, New Zealand

Apart from being used as an ornamental plant, as isolated specimens, its wood, being hard, white and heavy, is used to make the main masts of sailboats.

What did you think of Araucaria heterophylla?

Norfolk pine (Araucaria heterophylla)

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