Shrub called Weigela

bush branch with bluebell-like flowers

The Weigela is a shrub that comes from the East (China, Korea, Japan). Extremely decorative, it is currently one of the most popular shrubs. It must be said that it was the subject of many investigations, obtaining a great variety of hybrids.

Depending on the species, its size varies between 1,20 and 2,50 meters, its bushy habit is highly branched and its branches fall to the ground, giving it a rounded shape, its green foliage, sometimes mixed with yellow or purple, is compound of delicate deciduous leaves. Starting in May, a waterfall of small white, pink or red flowers bell-shaped, grouped in small bunches along the branches.

Characteristics of the Weigela

pink garden flower

The Weigela is very resistant and easy to grow and is that by withstanding very low temperatures, it behaves very well in any soil, as long as it is a little humid and draining. It is a plant that likes semi-shade, so avoid direct sunlight. Flowering will be a little less dense, but will last a little longer. Once on the ground, this shrub does not require special care. After flowering, which is usually in July and to preserve its silhouette, remove old branches and those at the base of the trunk.

If the summer is hot and dry, consider watering it regularly. The Weigela appreciates a bit of freshness. A light mulch installed at its base during the spring will help conserve soil moisture. It is convenient to fertilize it with organic matter during the fall or at the end of the summer, instead, a mineral fertilizer will be used at the beginning of spring to promote its growth.

Weigelas are also very resistant to air pollutionBeing a interesting shrub to have in a pot and its general characteristics are:

  • Foliage type: deciduous
  • Port: rounded
  • Size: 1.20 mx 1.20 m
  • Growth: medium
  • Flowering time: May-June.
  • Foliage shape: ovoid
  • Foliage color: coppery
  • Fall foliage color: orange-red
  • Flower shape: trumpets
  • Flower color: pink
  • Soil type: all
  • Exposure: sun, partial shade.
  • Resistance: – 25 ° C (USDA zone 5b)

Where to install it?

The surface of the Weigela can reach 2 meters in diameter. Therefore, it is necessary to install it in a place that is open enough for it to develop properly. Isolated, this shrub can be spread at will and during the spring they will hatch into a gigantic bouquet of flowers. Withstanding light well, it can also be seen in a flower hedge, especially in the midst of lilacs, forsythias or buddleias.


In spring or fall you can start cutting the stems. Grab a 15-inch branch with only four leaves at the end. Then put the cuttings in a pot with a mixture of soil and sand and keep it out of the cold. The following spring, repot your cuttings and wait at least two years before final planting.

Pests or diseases

It is very resistant and there is no evidence of significant pests or diseases, although, in the case of drought, annoying aphids may appear, so a specific fungicide will be applied for this.

Different species

Weigela ‘Eva rathke’: with dark pink flowers.

Weigela florida ‘Variegata’: with variegated foliage.

Weigela florida ‘Purpurea’: with dark purple leaves and pink flowers.

Weigela “Bristol Ruby”«: Bright red flowers.

Weigela ‘Carnival’: white, pink or red flowers, usually present on the same tree.

Weigela “Variegata”: green and white foliage with pink flowers.

branch full of small pink flowers

Weigela Florida: small size, about 100 cm high.

Weigela “Red Dwarf”: dwarf variety 80 cm high. Orange-red flowers.

Weigela “Pink Poppet”: dwarf variety 80 cm high. Satin pink flowers.

Weigela “Marjorie”: 150 cm high. Variety with an excellent flowering consisting of a gradient from white to bright pink.

Weigela “Ruby Queen”: 200 cm high. Variety of red flowers.


Cuttings and pruning are preferably done in August. It is sown throughout the year, excluding periods of frost with a preference for the fall. It is necessary to make a mulch at the time of sowing and during flowering, the waterings must be regular because the soil must not be dry.

When the flowering is over, prune deflowered branches to about 20 centimeters to promote the new branch and maintain its shape.

Shrub called Weigela

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