Quercus pyrenaica leaves

The Pyrenean oaks It is one of those trees that we can find in much of the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the northern half, so you may have been able to see it at some time. It is a plant that, although it is not as long-lived as other Quercus, also has a high ornamental value.

Its care is not very complicated, since it also resists frost well. So if you want a plant that you can enjoy a lot from almost the first day, discover Pyrenean oak.

Origin and characteristics

View of Quercus pyrenaica tree

Our protagonist is a deciduous tree native to the Iberian Peninsula, in some points to the west of France and North Africa (Morocco, mainly). Its scientific name is Quercus Pyrenaicabut it is known more as Pyrenean oak, black oak, marojo or corcu. Reaches a height of 25 metersalthough if the conditions are good you can overcome them. Its crown is lobed or subspherical, and tortuous. It is composed of leaves measuring 7-16cm in length, heart-shaped at the base, and with stellate hairs on the upper side.

Blooms in spring. Male and female flowers appear on the same specimen. The first are yellowish and small, and the second solitary or in groups of three or four. The fruit is a thick acorn, with a short and stubby peduncle, measuring 3-4cm in length. This has a bitter taste, so it is not very edible .

What are their cares?

Pyrenean oak trunk

If you want to get a copy, we recommend providing the following care:

  • Location: outdoors, in full sun or in semi-shade.
  • Earth:
    • Pot: universal growing substrate mixed with 30% perlite.
    • Garden: lives well in all types of soils, especially if they have good drainage.
  • Irrigation: it has to be watered 3 times a week in summer and somewhat less the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from spring to summer with an organic fertilizer. This must be liquid if it is in a pot so that the drainage continues to be good.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in autumn (they need to be cold before germinating, so it is advisable stratify them in the fridge for three months and then plant them in a pot).
  • Rusticity: supports frosts down to -17ºC, but cannot live in tropical climates.

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