Potted basil plant

Basil is an aromatic plant that can be grown throughout its life in a pot, either on the patio or on the terrace, or in the garden. As it does not grow more than 30 centimeters in height and does not have a root system at all invasive, it is very easy to enjoy our specimen.

But, although an adult plant has a very cheap price (1 euro), if you want to have more copies for the same price we recommend sow basil seeds. Here’s how to do it.

When are they sown?

Basil seeds are sown in springwhen the risk of frost has passed. It can also be done a little earlier if you have an electric germinator and a room where a lot of natural light enters.

Being a plant with herbaceous stems, that is, fragile, it is not advisable to sow them directly in the ground since irrigation or fertilization can not be controlled so well.

How are they sown?

To sow the basil seeds you have to follow this step by step:

  1. The first thing to do is fill a seedling tray (you can get it here!) with universal growing medium (such as this).
  2. Then, it is watered so that it is well soaked.
  3. A maximum of two seeds are then placed in each socket and covered with a very thin layer of substrate.
  4. Afterwards, it is placed inside a plastic tray without holes.
  5. Finally, it is watered again, this time directing the water into the tray and not into the seedbed.

If all goes well, the first will germinate after 7-14 days at most if they are outside and in full sun. As soon as roots grow out of the drainage holes of the seedbed, it will be time to transfer it to individual pots of about 10,5 or 13cm in diameter.


Good planting!