Acalypha wilkesiana 'Mosaica' plants

Acalypha wilkesiana ‘Mosaica’

Plants with decorative leaves there are several, but none like the acalifah. This beautiful shrub has large, brightly colored leaves, so if you have left empty holes in your tropical garden or you want to have your home with a natural beauty, do not hesitate to get a specimen.

Its cultivation and maintenance is not difficultalthough you have to have a series of things so that unexpected surprises do not arise.

What is the acalifa like?

Acalypha wilkesiana f.  circled

Acalypha wilkesiana f. circled

The acalifa is an evergreen shrubby plant (that is, it is always seen with leaves) whose scientific name is Acalypha wilkesiana. Originally from Vanuatu, reaches a height of 3mand its crown is about 2m wide. The leaves are large, 20cm long by 15cm wide, in colors that can be of different colors depending on the variety: green, intense red, bicolor, copper-red, etc. The stem is erect and highly branched, and the branches have fine hairs.

It has male and female flowers on the same plant. The former are hanging, while the latter are in short spikes that often go unnoticed.

How do you take care of yourself?

Acalypha wilkesiana 'Marginata' plant

Acalypha wilkesiana ‘Marginata’

If you want to have a caliph specimen, below we will tell you how to take care of it:

  • Location: outside in semi-shade, indoors in a room with lots of light and without drafts.
  • Soil or substrate: it must have good drainage and a large amount of organic matter (it must be fertile).
  • Irrigation: 3-4 times a week in summer, 1-2 / week the rest of the year. Use lime-free water.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer it must be paid with a universal fertilizer for plants following the indications specified on the package.
  • Pruning: It’s not necesary. It will be enough to remove the dry leaves and the withered flowers.
  • Planting or transplanting time: in spring.
  • Rusticity: it is very sensitive to cold. A temperature below 10ºC damages it.

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