Cincoenrama: characteristics and care

Cincoenrama is a plant that has the scientific name Potentilla fruticosa

Cincoenrama is a plant that has a scientific name Frutical potentilla and which is also known by a more common name, such as Potentillabeing a genus that belongs to the Rosaceaes family or also known by the name of the Rosaceae family.

Characteristics of Cincoenrama

Characteristics of the Cincoenrama

It is a small shrub-shaped plant that has deciduous leaves, which generally they are quite robust plantsbeing the most suitable option for those places that are somewhat small, since this type of plant must receive enough sunlight.

This is a shrub with a upright appearancewhich has branches that are long and at the same time have an open shape.

This type of plants has its origin in what is a large part of the countries of Europe, where are able to live in areas of many mountainsareas covered with many rocks and wooded sites.

The Cincoenrama can have an excellent development either if we grow it in a soil and as normally happens with garden plants, as well as we can grow them in a pot of the most suitable sizewhich gives us the possibility of being able to place it in any part of a garden or terrace that has a fairly limited space.

What is the value of this species, we can find it in its robust appearance and in its ability to withstand what is a large flowering that can last for long periods.

Its foliage is quite small, although it may have a rather bushy appearance, but nonetheless, the large number of flowers that this plant is capable of producing they manage to cover it almost entirely. From this plant we have the opportunity to be able to point out that between what is the foliage and the flowering they can form a plant that has a quite attractive appearance.

Caring for the Cincoenrama

Caring for the Cincoenrama

This is a shrub that demands an amount of care which are quite fundamental and can be used to limit a space, to cover an area or even to create a group of bushes in conjunction with those varieties that have white, pink, orange, red flowers or even those that are yellowish to gold in color.

Small-sized leaves that have an oval-like shape are found finely divided into what are five foliosof a pale green color, that have a rough texture when in contact with the skin and in addition to this they are able to go unnoticed among what is an exuberant flowering.

The flowers produced by this small plant are born solitary and they are composed of about five petals with a round shape, which at the same time are not united between them, but in the center part we can find a large number of filaments that are yellow in color.

What he is flowering process We can say that it is very overflowing and that it can last for long periods, starting in the first months of spring and continuing in this way until reaching the first months of autumn,

These are plants that they need a lot of sunof course, as long as they do not have the need to be able to face the high temperatures of summer, so if these cases occur, the best thing is that we have to place the shrub in a place that has enough shade and especially the hours where there are warmer temperatures.

We have to do the pruning in a deep way, we have to cut most of the stems and we have to reduce a large part of the volume that it has, adding a little organic fertilizer to what is the substrate.

Cincoenrama: characteristics and care

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