Giant sequoia, the largest tree in the world

A giant sequoia specimen

The giant sequoia it is the largest tree in the world. As you get closer to it, you have to look up to see it in all its splendor; and it is that, a human being is incredibly small next to him.

It is so huge that it can only be grown in really large gardens, or as a bonsai. If you want to have a copy, don’t miss this special article about herthe giant sequoia.

Origin and characteristics of the giant sequoia

View of the leaves of the Sequoiadendron giganteum

Our protagonist, whose scientific name is Giant sequoiadendronis an evergreen conifer known by the common names sequoia, giant sequoia, velintonia, wellingtonia, Sierra sequoia or great tree. It is native to the western part of the Sierra Nevada, in California. It is a plant that reaches a height of 50 to 94 meters and whose trunk has a diameter of 5 to 11 meters.

When young it has a more or less pyramidal shape, but as an adult it looks more like a tower or column. The trunk is straight, with fibrous and puckered bark. The needles (leaves) are awl-shaped, and are about 3 to 6mm long. The cones are 4 to 7cm long and inside we will find the seeds, which take 18 to 20 months to mature. These are dark brown, 4-5mm long by 1mm wide, with brown or yellowish wings.

Has a life expectancy of 3200 years..

How do you take care of yourself?

View of a specimen of Sequoiadendron giganteum

Would you like to have one? Really? Well, do not hesitate, provide the following care and enjoy it:


Outdoors, in full sun or in semi-shade. Due to its characteristics, it must be planted as an isolated specimen, at a minimum distance of 10 meters from tall plants, pipes, paved floors, etc.


Requires floors slightly acidic, fresh and deep. It does not grow in limestone.


Irrigation it has to be frequentespecially in summer. During the hottest season we will water it 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the year once or twice a week. You have to use rainwater or lime-free. In the event that we cannot get it, we can dilute the liquid of half a lemon in a liter of water, and use this to water.


From early spring to late summer you have to pay with organic products, such as guano o herbivorous animal manure. If we have it in a pot, we will use liquid fertilizers to avoid making it difficult for the water to drain.

Planting or transplanting time

In springwhen the risk of frost has passed. In almost having it in a pot, we will transplant it every two years.


Multiply by seedswhich have to be stratified in the fridge for 3 months at 4ºC in winter. For it, we have to follow this step by step:

  1. First, we will take a tupperware with a transparent plastic lid.
  2. Afterwards, we fill it with vermiculite up to half.
  3. Next, we place the seeds and add a little sulfur or copper to prevent fungus.
  4. Then we water a little.
  5. Finally, we cover the tupperware and put it in the fridge (not the freezer).

Once a week we have to take it out and open it so that the air is renewed. In spring we will sow the seeds in pots with vermiculite or growing medium for acid plants and cover them with a thin layer of soil. If everything goes fine, they will germinate in 2-3 months.


Supports up to -18ºC no problem, but does not like high temperatures. Its cultivation is only recommended in temperate or cool climates, whose summer is mild (25-30ºC maximum) and cold winter with snowfalls. Also, it is important that the ambient humidity is high, otherwise it will not thrive.

What are the care of Giant Sequoia Bonsai?

Being such a large tree, many choose to work it as bonsai. Without a doubt, it is the best option when you do not have the space that this plant needs to grow. The care you need are the following:

  • Location: outside, in semi-shade.
  • Substratum: 70% akadama can be mixed with 30% kiryuzuna.
  • Irrigation: daily in summer, more spaced the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from spring to autumn with a liquid bonsai fertilizer, following the indications specified on the product packaging.
  • Transplant: every 2-3 years, in spring.
  • Pruning: before sprouting. Diseased, dry or weak branches must be removed, and shoots must be pointed.
  • Styles: formal erect, twin and group trunks.
  • Rusticity: the bonsai tree is somewhat more sensitive, although it supports well up to -15ºC. However, it is advisable to protect it a little from snowfall by covering the tray with frost-proof cloth, leaving the trunk exposed if it is young.

Where to buy it?

Trunk and leaves of the Sequoiadendron giganteum

The giant sequoia is a plant that is very difficult to find in nurseries. In fact, it is so much so that it is highly recommended to look for it in online stores and not in physical stores. A young plant of 1 meter can cost about 68 euros.

What did you think of this tree? Incredible, isn’t it?

Giant sequoia, the largest tree in the world

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