Are there indoor trees? | Gardening On

Ficus tree

If you are looking for large plants to decorate your home, you can have in mind to get some indoor trees, right? They are very beautiful plants that add elegance and color to the room, but … Are there really trees that can always live in a pot in a room?

Nowadays it is easy to find exotic plants in nurseries, plant beings whose origin is in the tropical or subtropical regions of the planet that are cultivated in large production greenhouses where they are paid regularly until they are ready for sale. Trees are no exception.

Inside plants

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There is no indoor plant; However, there are some that cannot stand the cold and, therefore, there is no choice but to keep them indoors. Within this group, there are some that adapt better than others, for example: cactus, when they need a lot of light, usually have growth problems if they are at home; on the other hand, the aspidistra or the potos get to be precious.

If we talk about trees, these are plants that reach a minimum height of 4 meters, that is, much more than the height of the house. In addition, we have to take into account that they need a lot of light to grow, so that we can only have them more or less well if we have an interior patio or a room that has glass windows. In the event that we have it, it would be interesting acquire those that have a small leafsuch as acacias, albizias, or some Ficus, such as the f. Benjamin or F. nitidawhich are very manageable.

Ficus benjamina tree

Benjamin fig tree

Once we have our indoor trees, we have to provide them with the following care:

  • Location: they have to be placed in the room with the most light.
  • Substratum: it must have very good drainage. You can put a layer of expanded clay balls and then universal growing medium mixed with 30% perlite.
  • Irrigation: two or three times a week in summer, and every 6-7 days the rest of the year. If we have a plate underneath, we will remove it 15 minutes after watering.
  • Subscriber: from spring to the end of summer they must be paid with mineral or liquid organic fertilizers following the instructions specified on the packaging.
  • Transplant: in spring.

With these tips we can enjoy our trees .

Are there indoor trees? | Gardening On

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