country maple

The minor maple, known by the scientific name of country mapleis one of the most interesting members of the Aceraceae family. And it is that most of the species reach a quite important size (more than 20 meters), however, our protagonist is tall … but not that much: he stays at 15 meters.

With its crown of up to six meters, it is an excellent tree to get a corner of natural shade during the summer. And that’s not to mention the spectacular yellow color that acquire their leaves in autumn. Would you like to meet him?

Features of the Acer campestre

Acer campestre seeds

The country mapleknown by the common names of Country Maple, Alciro, Common Bordo, Common Maple or Maple minor, is a deciduous tree native to Europe, Algeria, Asia Minor and Persia. In Spain we can find it in the northern half, in the mountains; Some can also be seen in Extremadura and Andalusia.

It is characterized by being a tree of dense and rounded crownwith green stellate leaves on both sides and a tortuous trunk. The flowers are hermaphroditic, and appear grouped in erect branched racemes.

How do you take care of yourself?

Acer campestre in autumn

Acer campestre in autumn

To have one or more specimens of this precious tree, take note of these tips:

  • Location: outdoors, in full sun or semi-shade.
  • Land: grows on all types of soils, but prefers limestone.
  • Irrigation: moderate. From 3 to 4 times a week in summer, and from 2 to 3 the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: During spring and summer it should be paid with organic fertilizers, such as guano or worm castings.
  • Pruning: not necessary, although dry and diseased branches can be removed in late winter. Do not prune out of season, as we could end up losing the tree as it loses a lot of sap.
  • Multiplication: by seeds. These need to be cold in order to germinate. In the case of living in a warm climate, it is necessary to stratify them in the fridge for 3 months, and sow them in spring.
  • Rusticity: supports up to -17ºC.

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