Everything you need to know about Ficus ginseng

When looking for a tree to work as bonsai, you usually look for a plant that has the thickest possible trunk and a more or less formed crown, characteristics that meet better than any other plant. Ficus ginseng. However, it is often thought that it is an easy plant to grow, but the reality is that … it may not be so.

Although that does not mean that buying one is a waste of money. What’s more, we are going to help you prevent that from happening to you. If you want to know everything about Ficus ginseng, don’t miss this article.

History and characteristics of Ficus ginseng

Our protagonist is a tree native to South and Southeast Asia. Its scientific name is Ficus microcarpalthough it began to be marketed as Ficus ginseng because of its roots. The term “ginseng” translates to “ninjin” in Japanese, which in English means “carrot” (carrot). And it is that this species, like that of the carrot (Daucus carota) has napiform roots, that is, with the shape of a turnip that thicken due to the accumulation of reserve substances.

What tree would we end up having if we planted it in the garden? East:

Image – Useful Tropical Plants

As you can see, it is a large tree, which can reach 15 meters in height with a 5-6 meter diameter crown. It is a perfect species to provide shade, but because of its size it can only be had in very large gardens, since it also emits aerial roots that over time touch the ground, rooting and thickening, so they end up joining the main trunk.

Its leaves are evergreen, which means that the tree looks evergreen. They are dark green, leathery, and measure 4 to 13cm in length. The flowers are dioecious (there are male and female flowers on different individuals), they are white and sprout between the axils of the leaves. The fruit is small, 1cm, yellow or red when ripe.

What care do you need?

If you finally dare to have one, either as a bonsai or as a garden plant, you should keep the following in mind:

  • Location: It must be in a place where it is in direct sunlight, except during the central hours of the day.
  • Irrigation: abundant in summer, and somewhat scarcer during winter. You have to check the humidity of the substrate before watering by inserting a thin wooden stick to check how much soil has adhered to it. If it comes out practically clean, then it means that it is dry and that, therefore, it is necessary to water.
  • Subscriber: During the entire growing season, that is, in spring and summer, it must be paid with organic fertilizers. If it is in a pot, the liquids should be used following the instructions specified on the container, but if it is in the garden, you can choose to fertilize with organic powdered fertilizers (manure, worm castings, guano) by laying a 2-3cm thick layer around the trunk once a month.
  • Pruning: it is not necessary unless it is in a pot, in which case the branches that have grown too much have to be trimmed at the end of winter, when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Rusticity: supports mild and occasional frosts of up to -2ºC.
  • Precautions: If you want to have it in the garden, it should be planted at a minimum distance of 10 meters from any construction, whether it be floors, swimming pools, etc.

For what do you use it?

Ficus ginseng used as an ornamental plant and to attract birds. It is a very large tree that produces numerous fruits, on which these animals feed, so although it is an invasive species in many places such as Hawaii, Florida, Central America, Bermuda and South America, in other areas it is Plant in many gardens so that birds can have a greater availability of food, especially in Brazil.

Enjoy your tree .

Everything you need to know about Ficus ginseng

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