haworthia limifolia

Succulents are part of a fascinating world. Every time we think about them, it is not difficult to imagine deserts, which is where many of the species come from. They are plants that have adapted to living in a very dry and very warm climate, so they can withstand drought… in their habitat. Yes, yes, we usually think that they resist periods without rain very well, but the reality is quite different, in fact, they may need the same amount of a tree. Even so, they are still spectacular.

This time I’m going to talk to you about haworthia limifoliawhich are succulent plants that are very easy to care for and tremendously decorative.

Characteristics of the Haworthia limifolia

Haworthia limifolia striata 'Spider White'

Haworthia limifolia striata ‘Spider White’

This plant is native to South Africa, and grows in the form of a compact rosette only 12cm in diameter. Due to its size, it is highly recommended to always grow it in a pot, or in planters together with other small succulents, such as Gasteria or Lithops. The leaves are thick and stiff, and can be green or variegated (green and yellow). Its flowers appear grouped in erect inflorescences up to 35cm high. It blooms during spring and early summer.

And now that we know what its main characteristics are, let’s go on to discover what care it requires.

How do you take care of yourself?

Haworthia limifolia 'Variety'

Haworthia limifolia ‘Variety’

To have one or more of these healthy plants, it is essential to take into account the following:

  • Location: it must be placed in an area where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Irrigation: once or twice a week.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer, with liquid organic fertilizers, or with fertilizers for cacti (it is important to say that it is not a cactus, but a crass, but these fertilizers are very beneficial).
  • Transplant: every two years, in spring.
  • Substratum: it must have good drainage. It is highly recommended to use equal parts black peat and perlite, or to add 20% washed river sand to this mixture.
  • Rusticity: supports weak frosts, down to -1ºC provided they are of short duration. If you live in an area where winter is cooler, it is advisable to keep it indoors, in a room with lots of natural light.

Have you ever seen a haworthia limifolia? What do you think?