Euphorbia Grandicornis

The Euphorbia Grandicornisbetter known as Cow hornIt is a very decorative shrub that can reach 2 meters in height. Despite its size, it can be grown in a pot throughout its life, as it does not have an invasive root system.

In addition, as it has a slow growth rate, you will be able to control its development very easily .

Characteristics of the cow horn

Euphorbia grandicornis adult

Our protagonist is a plant native to South Africa that It is characterized by having twisted stems and thorns that can measure up to 7cm in length.. These arise from the edges, which are wavy. The flowers are small and yellow, not very ornamental; However, the fruits are capsules with various shades of red that make this plant an excellent option to decorate any corner.

In addition, it resists pests well and can grow without problems in poor soilso it is very interesting to grow in medium-low maintenance gardens. But let’s see in more detail what care you need.

How do you take care of yourself?

Euphorbia grandicornis flowers

If you dare to have a copy, here is its care guide:

  • Location: you can have it both outdoors in full sun and indoors with lots of (natural) light.
  • Soil or substrate: not demanding. But if it is grown in a pot it will grow better in porous substrates, such as akadama or pumice.
  • Irrigation: moderate in summer, somewhat scarcer the rest of the year. It should be watered every 2-3 days during the warmer months, and every 5-6 days the rest.
  • Subscriber: it is important to pay it in spring and summer with mineral fertilizers, either with Nitrofoska or Osmocote by adding a small spoonful every 15 days, or one for cacti and succulents following the instructions specified on the package.
  • Planting / Transplant time: in spring.
  • Multiplication: by cuttings in spring-summer.
  • Rusticity: supports up to -2ºC.

Have you ever seen this plant?